Supply or Die

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Exchange / EXGE

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

Exchange is a bounty hunter syndicate operating in the Grey Zone.

1. Rule: We operate in and outside of the law, depending on the pay.

2. Rule: We always abide by the Creed.

3. Rule: Following the Creed is always more important than money.


The Exchange is a Grey Zone syndicate, meaning we operate both legally and illegally. Established in 2950, the Exchange is committed to hunting dangerous criminals throughout the verse.



  • No bounty is worth dying for.
  • No matter how great a reward, never take any unnecessary risks to secure a bounty.

Capture By Plan, Kill By Necessity

  • If it is unneccessary to harm your target, then it is a crime to do so.
  • Our bounties are still people, and still have the right to be treated as such.

One Captures or Kills, Never Both

  • Never kill a bounty that you have already captured.

No Hunter Shall Slay Another Hunter

  • We are brothers: a family. Never kill another hunter without due reason.

No Hunter Shall Interfere With Another’s Hunt

  • Do not help another hunter without permission.
  • If two hunters are chasing the same bounty, it is a duel to capture the bounty first.

No Hunter Shall Refuse Aid to Another Hunter

  • If another hunter is in need of your help, you must assist them.