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Exterra Group / EXTERRA

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“Do something big, even if you’re small.”


Office of Senator Jeda Cavendash
780 5th Ave, New York
NY-10017-36061, Sol III: Earth

December 07, 2948

Madame Witness Senator Cavendash,

Herein lies the proposal of funding for the chartered explorers heretofore known as the Exterra Group.

Exterra’s mission is to explore and secure systems on the edges of UEE space. Exterra will provide data on their travels for a discounted rate to UEE systems and associated private sector industries for the betterment of mankind. Exterra will seek to terminate or take into custody any lawbreaking beings within UEE territory. Exterra will not otherwise engage in acts of theft, smuggling, slavery, or warfare unless directed by UEE in accordance with Section 3.3.7(A) of the UEE constitution. Exterra has the right to defend itself against all would-be attackers in accordance with the Common Sense & Defense of Self act of 2798 (Abrv: CSDS).

Exterra will be self-funded after the initial 200,000,000UEC grant from the UEE and additional funds from aligned private corporations. Exterra reserves the right to self direct its efforts, purchase and sell unrelated commodities, and accept UEE & private contracts that do not break local and/or UEE laws. Exterra reserves the right to control its own staffing and is an At-Will employer.


Ventorvar, Founder, CEO, & Expedition Commander


The Exterra Group is based on the good will, the expansion, and security of mankind. We seek to expand humanity’s knowledge, safety, and wealth through reputable means. While not a PMC, Exterra will take whatever formal contracts are lucrative and law-abiding. Members of Exterra will work towards group and personal wealth for the betterment of their fellow members of the group and the UEE.

The Exterra Group operates in all corners of the universe, primarily from Corvette and Capital class ships.


  1. Exterra shall seek out new spatial anomalies, astral bodies, and unknown species.
  2. Exterra will seek to terminate or take into custody any lawbreaking beings within UEE territory.
  3. At this time, Exterra will not otherwise engage in acts of theft, smuggling, slavery, or warfare unless directed by UEE.
  4. Exterra has the right to defend itself against all would-be attackers.
  5. Exterra will be self-sustaining with semi-mobile advanced science, farming, and medical facilities.