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Galactic News Network / GALACTICNN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Social
  • Security

Galactic News Network [ GNN ] Is the best news station in the galaxy. We aim to provide the highest quality content as soon as the action hits.

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GNN was founded By Henric a concerned Citizen after the truth. he created a safe haven for independent news outlets to collect and share resources to work together to spreed the truth around the UEE. he would begin by sending out invites around the verse and start recruiting likeminded Creators.


The Galactic News Network is a platform for creators to make everything from film, cinematic, commercials, documentaries and news. we are always looking for new creators to join our organization. if you are interested please apply. and if you wish to aid us in a none creative way, then you can! we are also looking for security and actors to our bigger projects.


  • Collaborators – Collaborators are the highest creators the stars of the organization, they are the biggest creators within the GNN
  • Creator – Anyone who is an independent filmmaker goes under the term Creator.
  • Actor – Actors are the face of GNN the people who use their talents to perform in the creations of the creators.
  • Security – Security is the people who protect the shots, as well as the assets owned by GNN
  • General Staff – General Staff is the people who make it all come together, they do everything from bringing coffee organize shots and transport equipment.
  • Interns – Interns are the future! come join us today and make your dream from the ground floor up!

The Galactic News Network or GNN for short is a collaboration between Creators and news outlets in the EEU. we strive towards keeping the verse free and informed, our policy is to inform the citizens around the verse about all the happenings big as small. In search of Truth. – GNN founder Henric


The Galactic News Network is a collection and Collaboration of Creators and independent news studios around the verse, our goal is to aid those whit little experience and resources to be able to create tv shows, commercials, news outlets, and a platform to send it on. our goal is the truth. and to ensure the citizens around the verse gets it! no matter what. we view lies as an injustice to humanity and all other races of the cosmos. our concern isn’t as much with legal matters as moral once, however, we strive towards a safe environment for all our creators to fulfill their creativity.


in order to contain safety across all our creators and collaborators we wish everyone to follow the following rules;

  • do not intently harm the reputation of GNN
  • do not attempt and start fights on behalf of GNN
  • do not conduct immoral activity while working for GNN
  • Behave and be polite to your collages and others within GNN

failure to comply with these rules will result in warnings and finally expulsion if offenses are repeated.