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Galactic Imperium / GRI

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Security
  • Infiltration

Welcome to the Galactic Imperium! We are here to establish an empire to rival that of the UEE. Join us as we establish our foothold in the ‘verse, spread our influence and systematically dominate one battle at a time.


The year 2949 a group of peaceful traders were hauling precious supplies through the Croshaw system to aid the UEE when they were ambushed by Vanduul that had travelled from the Caliban system via the unclaimed Nul system. Attacks by the Vanduul were common due to the UEE’s ongoing conflict with the Vanduul, but to be so suddenly attacked in a system so close to our home system Sol with no support from the UEE navy was an insult. The only people to live to tell this tale were 2 ship hands that managed to make it to an escape pod before Vanduul boarded and presumably killed or enslaved the rest of the crew, including the captain. These 2 individuals watched helplessly as they drifted away in their escape pod, with the Vanduul unaware that some had managed to escape.

With the UEE denying the attack even happened and turning a blind eye to such a bold attack so close to our Home system, the 2 survivors, who are now known to be Halvor Langley and Chris Deathridge, decided that more action had to be taken to protect humanity from the ever growing threat of the Vanduul, but they knew that the UEE could not be relied upon, despite how much they try to act as though they are in control of the war. With not enough money to buy their own ship Halvor and Chris decided to sign up with various PMCs to gain combat experience and make valuable connections, these 2 things would prove beneficial later.

After many months of travelling around the ‘verse, fighting both Vanduul & pirates, the pair decided they had enough of being pawns and that it was time to act, sneaking off one night from their accommodation they stole a Redeemer gunship from their employer and begun attacking pirates and taking bounties wherever they could find them, even accumulating a few followers in the process, taking on bigger and bigger contracts, until one day when they were sneaking through the borders of vanduul space, believed to be the Vanguard system, one that was strictly off limits according to the UEE, they stumbled upon something that would give them everything they needed to move on from being simple bounty hunters, to an organisation with major power and lead to what is now recognised as the Galactic Imperium. What they discovered was an intact, although badly damaged, Idris-M Frigate. Clearly once belonging to the UEE navy, it had been abandoned, as most of the escape pods were missing, presumably amid fears that it may explode however it was still drifting through space. After coming aboard and finding many of the systems still functional, including life support, they set about repairing the ships engines and took it to a safe spot in the nearby Yulin system, a system they knew was rarely travelled by anyone besides scavengers and occasional pirates.

After several weeks they had restored the ship to full strength and was finally able to pilot it without fears of it suddenly breaking down, and after re-fitting it’s computer systems it was no longer able to be traced as a UEE vessel and meant they could travel freely and not be accused of hijacking the ship. This was the huge boost that Halvor and Chris needed, and as it was Halvor Langley that spotted the vessel adrift the pair agreed he should be the captain, which proved to be a great decision as he named the ship “Odin”. This strong name for an even stronger ship proved a very convincing recruitment tool, as at nearly every port they stopped in, floods of people approached and requested to join them just to serve aboard such a mighty ship.

This was a new turning point as this was when Halvor decided that with such influence, not only could they have enough followers to fight the Vanduul, they could even be bold enough to perhaps take over stations, moons, maybe even planets controlled by the Vanduul, and if this was possible then they could take over entire systems, and that’s when the Galactic Imperium was born.

This brings us to the present day, where we need YOU to join the cause. With not only an Idris-M as our flagship, we now have multiple Krakens that need to be filled with fighters, and with an RSI Perseus as our Vanguard we are in need of an ambitious crew to drive back the Vanduul and take control of their territory, building an empire strong enough to even go toe to toe with the UEE.

While we share no bad blood with the UEE we shall not forgive them for the betrayal we felt when they didn’t respond for days to the distress call sent out by that escape pod, amid fears that the Vanduul threat was too great to risk sending their ships in to search for survivors. We despise that an empire that powerful can be choked by fear. So why not be brave and join us, because aboard Odin, we fear naught but the gods themselves.


The Galactic Imperium has one goal, control. How do we achieve this? Through military victories & domination. With this we will have much strength and the number of people to oppose us shrinks.

If you see us in your travels, you’d be wise to obey us as we do not forget those who try to stand in our way. We honour those who triumph in our name, and disgrace those who hold us back and seek to destroy us.

Either join us and live like a King in a mighty Empire, or risk ending up on the wrong side of a battle you will come to regret taking part in.


While we are still growing in strength we must acknowledge the views of others & do best not to anger them, we cannot risk anything stopping us from reaching greatness let alone petty squabbles with those who do not understand our vision.

Act with dignity and uphold our code of conduct, while we may be stronger than most, we need others to join us in order to grow even stronger, so show respect to others and make them want to be a part of our great organisation.

Listen to people of superior ranks to you, and follow their orders, report anyone who is acting out of line to an officer.

The Emperor’s word is final.