Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Security

You’re probably here after having an interaction with us.

We’re not narrow minded berks, we can negotiate.

Syndicate checkpoints work towards expanding our forces so Hex can better defend herself. Pay up and not only will we grant you unchallenged access but we will also protect you in our sector.


“Whatever you’ve ‘eard about The Syndicate ain’t likely right. The dark of the matter is somebody had to clean up Hex’s little class problem.

The Levs.

Plump prisses pansying around on the top decks n’ cannibal addle-coves sliding around on their bellies like lizards scaven for scraps of maze between the slats and screws on the lower levs.

He came in a half-gutted ship that was dustin’ out the sides and in a real rough state too or so I hear, but Hex spiced him back to health n’ he repaid her in kind with what he knew best. Eekin out a rep.

Hex has an ickle optics problem, and she needs a lot of investment to re-open the red zones currently spaced out in her stone womb. Berks in Stanton are understandably very guppy about parting with their creds to a place with such a dirty rep as Hex. So Archie Grey put it on us to get our arses out the gutter and grab some respect by the balls and plug the Hive and for the Belt. So if you pass by Hex and ain’t a Hiver, Archie says you’ve got to cough up. And as long as I live and breathe, whatever Archie says berk; Goes.” – Tout Bracchus of Sector D


1. Hivers look out for Hivers.
2. Hivers protect the Belt of Yela.
3. Hivers squeeze Landers of creds if appropriate.
4. Hivers work towards building up the Belt.
5. A percentage of profits go to Hex and the surrounding Belt.
6. Invited Visitors to Hiver regions have protection.
7. Landers get taxed for entry and exit of Hex and other Belter regions to provide for upkeep and restoration of Red Zones in Hex.
8. Rock & Roll n’ Dirty Techno.


1. No disrespecting the Bloods or upwards.
2. Don’t stab your fellow Hiver in the spine.
3. ‘Ave some Calcium about you, wusses get put to cleaning duty.
4. The Factol mediates disagreements or puts it out to a duel to settle disputes.
5. Maintain a hold on Hex and the surrounding Belt.
6. Build up the Belt.
7. Take from Landers.