Hopewell Continuum Detachment One / HDET

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Hopewell Continuum Detachment One, also known as the Hopewell Detachment, or simply HDET, operates as a plenipotentiary extension of the Hopewell Continuum and serves as the only point of contact between the continuum and the United Earth Empire (UEE).


Formed during the early 24th century in response to the passing of the Freeman Act by the World Summit, in rejection of corporations attempting to control and profit off of human advancement into space, a collective from across Earth, Mars, and other settlements built a fleet of generation ships which would come to be known as the Hopewell Continuum.

The fleet departed from human-colonized space to explore the unknown. For more than 600 years, there were no reports of interaction with the Hopewell Continuum until a detachment from the group, the Hopewell Detachment, established contact with the UEE in the Stanton system in 2950.

Despite this renewed contact, the Continuum’s 600-year history still remains largely unknown to the UEE.

Now operating openly within the Stanton System, the Hopewell Detachment carries out a variety of activities, from mining to salvage, to the exploration of unmarked settlements, or the elimination of elements hostile to the UEE but also other, less reputable actors.

It is believed that the Detachment returned to Stanton in anticipation of the sale of land claims by the UEE. Observers have claimed that the Detachment’s exploration activities, which it undertakes throughout Stanton, may be a means of assessing potential land claims for when the time comes.

Though the Continuum abandoned corporate space long ago, it is not a completely disingenuous enterprise. The Detachment knows that the Continuum will require resources to continue operating from its as yet undiscovered base of operations. A fair amount of evidence suggests that the Detachment is involved in scientific research, as samples of various metals and even pieces of equipment have been reported missing at certain abandoned facilities which the Detachment is believed to have visited.

In terms of relations, the Detachment remains neutral and maintains no active conflict with factions. Rarely have its members been recorded in acts of violence. The people of Stanton similarly view the Detachment as a relatively innocuous visitor which is bound, at some point, to return to its deep space hideout.


The Hopewell Continuum was founded on the notion that all living things have the inalienable right to enact praxes and that the terms and restrictions which governments and corporations have leveraged upon human advancement into space are an attempted violation of this right.
