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Ironclad Brotherhood / ICBH

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Hi! Are you an individual who doesn’t get butt hurt by words? Are you sick of all the pussyfooting Orgs that micromanage you? Are you a blue collar homie or ex military that doesn’t want a LEASH on them? Then join the Iron Clad Brotherhood! Where our skin, is Iron Clad. (Not a safe space lol)


Started on June 6th, 2024 from a group chat between am Industrial maintenance tech, a welder and a rental property/HVAC tech. The idea was born that after one of us fell out of a “supposed” 18+ org where upper leadership members would clutch their pearls at the words “Sh*t” and “F*ck” (Not sure if the page will get flagged) one of us left the org we all partook in after 4+ years of dealing with Karens that couldn’t handle people saying the naughty Fu word in the context of talking about how the number of ships they have and this is what I remember how it was said “I have a metric f*ck ton of ships you can try”. Oh no! The horror! One of us being expressive in a unique manner compared to all the HR compliant people! Not to include getting nagged at over actions that individual didn’t even take themselves. (The person who left was leadership in that org, that individual stepped down after leadership went from a normal ranking system to you’re essentially a member babysitter, “just check in on random people” as if we’re a free

As such, we would appreciate that if you apply you be at least 21, however if you’re not a karen and have an interest in joining? Go ahead if you’re 18+ we will not accept anything lower and if you’re age is doubted, proof maybe asked for.

Going forth within the ICBH, feel free to sh*t talk your enemies and homies alike! However, as much as I enjoy not being a fascist, controlling, language policing, micro-managing, emotionally fragile karen (Yeah, just let me throw all the fu*king shade at those types of people). It should go without saying that I will not tolerate racists as the game will also ban you for such actions if I recall correctly. Talking trash should relate to the game, skill level, and maybe even their general intellect (reaction time, tactical thinking, etc.) That will keep us probably within acceptable boundaries and honestly how it should be, with the occasional “your mom” joke if you stoop to that level, but you be unique and do things your way. Just try not to get do something that will get you banned by the overlord fascists that seem to not allow all opinions. ;)

I do not expect growth to be strong, but as we find all of the souls that yearn to be free. We will be here.

We will predominately be a lawful org. The main goal is to be good guys that use harsh… lol “harsh” words as we see fit. “Harsh” to people who’ve never stood around in the warehouse around scrapped machines you’re keeping around to pull the remaining useful parts off of them talking about “stuff” that would get us sent to HR. Pornhub theme plays in the background of that conversation

If you wish to be treated like an adult and given free reign over your own actions here is the discord.

Join the discord below

Then make sure you post your RSI handle in said discord.

(2nd warning, not a safe space for those who “need it”)

Welcome back, to being free, welcome to the brotherhood.

(This maybe the worst decision I’ve ever made. I do not want to get paid to manage people, why the f*ck would I want to attempt it in a game)

What… were you expecting some cringey, fake, made up lore for the group? Nah.


The Ironclad Brotherhood and their policies, for now are rather simple, we will see the game being built out around us as is and make changes upon how the game advances.

However the short term manifesto is to build up a team of individuals that are tight knitted together through not having to put up an “HR approved” front like every other org out there requires. As if they never got on Halo 3, Gears of War, or CoD:MW and talked mad shit and meant none of it and didn’t lose sleep over it. Unless you calling out like missile spammers. Those people deserve it.

If and as we expand, we will host events within the org and reach out to other orgs that can handle our rowdy attitude and don’t get their precious feelings hurt for scrimmages.

Depending on what the org calls for, we will host a website that has more detailed information as we gather a few hundred people. If it comes to that.

We will have sections for all types of players, Industrial, logistics, medical, combat, etc.
This is trying to be an everything game. We will support all types of game play. Including piracy, which we will have to figure out if we engage in it, or understand it’s a valid gameplay loop.

However, allow me to briefly go over org roles from the positions 6 positions that are available on these org pages.

Founder – Should be obvious, one of the three individuals that were a part of the conversation that spawned this org that supports individual freedom.

Captain – Our leaders and thinkers. These people have made it clear they’ve got a good head on their shoulders.
Also one person will occasionally be dubbed the “roast captain”. This individual will have clearly went to The Los Santos Institute of Roastology and studied under Lamar himself. I am not joking, if we get a roasting professor in the discord, you will get this captain title that can be lost.

Veteran – These will be our boots on the ground leaders, these will be our problem solvers above all else and trusted to practically play an FPS and RTS at the same time.

Experienced – These will be right under pretty much all forms of normal command, these will be squad leaders or around that area.

Regular -These will be our normies that come and go as they please under neath the “real life first” rule.

Recruit – These are the freshest homies, they will have to see if we’re the right fit for them.


Rules – (Can’t have complete chaos)

- 18+ Bare minimum/21 Preferred
Proof maybe required if doubt exists. Most adults do not like gaming with kids.

- Your real life comes first, leadership of any rank should not pressure you to keep up a regular activity within the org. If you’re here? You wanted to be here at one point. Unless you and a specific individual have built a friendship and they miss their homie.

- No racism, if you’re going to run your mouth. Do it from a place that makes sense. Don’t assume someone’s skin color. Example, if you died or killed a missile boat? Talk shit about him lacking the ability to aim and needing a missile boat. Unless we’re sitting in my Javelin and he had a Retaliator, that choice makes sense to do.

- No Cheating. (Back to have some standards, if you have a skill issue, just say that)

- Don’t engage in behavior that will get yourself banned when you’re accepted. In short, have some standards.
No Pad-ramming, no unacceptable language.

- If you get in a battle of “psychological warfare” or “mental chess” if the other party wants to disengage, do so. If a mute option/block text chat option is later put in, they should know how to use that. A lot of people don’t seem to have a brain cell count high enough to figure out how to employ such simple tools.

- If we happen to have ladies join us, which might be rare, be more respectful towards their side of life. Maybe we did it around the factory floor because we had HR looming over us, but we do it as a maintenance tech crew when cracking jokes and someone strolled up on us.

- Do understand how to take jokes, I understand things will get heated if we start judging others gaming skill or our own within the group, but it’s really not that important to keep your ego intact over a game. If an enemy is bantering with you in game about it. Sure, engage in the shit talk if you wish. Don’t get emotional over it. You’re not going to remember his/her words on your death bed. Which that is so lost upon people these days.

- Members will fill roles on a merit based system, this will lessen “buddy-buddy” type promotions and thus lessen or eliminate a more “politic” like or ass kissing org.

- As someone who hates that the black/red paint job was wasted on the Anvil Carrack, instead of it being on a badass combat ship. All Carracks are free to be lit up, whether we go with light piracy or not. You people wasted a good paint job on a ship designed to go around and look at digital space rocks. Well, it can look “good” underneath my Reclaimer.