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Inter-Galactic Red Cross / IGREDCROSS

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Medical
  • Freelancing

Welcome to the Inter-Galactic Red Cross! We are here to help those in need whenever and wherever the need arises! The Galactic Frontier is one filled with dangers both from the environment but foes as well. Our job is to help those in need!

Ad Auxilium, Ad Sanandum, Ad Servandumh!


Started in 2784, about a century or so after ArcCorp was founded, was the start of one of the most selfless group of people joining together to make this Organization. At this time, space travel in the Stanton System was still very dangerous, as all space travel is. Mining facilities and several areas still being under construction, it wasn’t uncommon for ships to fail in space or a facility was hit with weather to which they needed help. The Inter-Galactic Red Cross was founded by an old miner who was sick of relying on the Corporations to keep them alive, rather asking the very people he worked with to help when they needed it. Acting at first similarly to a sort of Coast Guard role in the system, they would help stranded ships and damaged stations by offering repairs and medical assistance, while also helping at disasters on the surface of the planets as well. As time went on and the Corporations realized that these delays and failures were costing them money, they finally improved upon the working conditions as well as their fleet maintained to proactively prevent these situations from happening in the first place. After this occurred, the IGRC had a sort of hiatus until civilian usage of the area ramped up, causing again a need for volunteers to go out and help these stranded folks in the vast endlessness of space. To which leads us to the present day, where though the IGRC is not as nearly as large and developed as it once was, the Inter-Galactic Red Cross still does its duty to the people of the Stanton system and beyond by helping them when the time arrives.


“Ad Auxilium, Ad Sanandum, Ad Servandum”
English Translation: “To Help, To Heal, To Preserve”

The Motto of the Inter-Galactic Red Cross is a calling to those who wish to preserve life in this dangerous universe. To those who answer this calling, it becomes words to live by. No matter the patient, no matter the dangers, we in the Inter-Galactic Red Cross will always be there ready to help.

With that said, we at the Inter-Galactic Red Cross wish to note that we do not align ourselves with any particular Corporation or Government as to not tarnish our job to bring help and healing to all without biased. Saying that, we are completely ran by volunteers and charter our own ships. If you wish to join you may, and if you do not, we ask for any donation amount you are willing to give in order to help those out there that are in need.


Rules and Regulations to joining the Inter-Galactic Red Cross


  • You must own a ship that is capable of holding two or more crewmembers. This does not mean you need a large ship the starter Aurora works perfectly, the ship just needs a place for a passenger to stand or lay while in transport.
  • You must always keep a medical gun on you at all times. These are vital for the treatment of those in need. We also recommend you bring at least one of every med-pen just in case, reading up on their medical jobs and using the basic knowledge to use them accordingly.


  • It is advised that you wear the colors of the Inter-Galactic Red Cross, which is the standard White & Red, with the usage of black only being that of the undersuit, but we still recommend just White & Red.
  • Weapons are allowed, but initiation of combat against a player is prohibited in the Inter-Galactic Red Cross. You are allowed to defend yourself with both self defense and ship weapons, but are not allowed to initiate combat while representing the Inter-Galactic Red Cross. Doing so will result in an expulsion from the organization.
  • Any abandonment of patient must be given a good reason, otherwise expulsion from the organization may be considered.
  • Some of the Ships recommended for this organization are as followed:
    1. Cutlass Red(However any Cutlass Model will do)
    2. Apollo Triage & Medivac
    3. C8X Pisces Expedition
    4. Mercury