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Interstellar Search And Rescue / ISAR

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Transport

Welcome to the information page on the Interstellar Search and Recovery Organization, If this an emergency and you need to submit a 9LINE for immediate extraction- please use our discord link for the fastest possible assistance-


Since 2859 the ISAR has been the premier go to PMC for all Search, Rescue, and Recovery Operations- We guarantee you, that our fleet will extract you from any location “By any means” And that’s our promise to you.

You’re probably wondering- why is a Search and Rescue Organization listed as a Private Military Company. Well, Unlike other civilian organizations- Our teams run heavily armed both in airframe and on foot. We will Find, Fix and Finish on every operation we are deployed to. Each team is guaranteed to have at minimum 2 non-permissive environment specialists, at least one lead medic and a support medic, Our medics will assist the NPES personnel to secure the extraction site before any medical work begins. Once the site is secured the medics will tend to the patient.
Sometimes the best healthcare is just to return fire.


We are available for service to anyone who opens an account with us, Independents, privateers, Pirates and loyal citizens of the UEE. We have a flat rate for 3 distinct packages- what you pay is the amount of support you will get- Please contact us for details.

We are currently looking to expand our operations in the Stanton System, we are looking for Pilots, Non-permissive Environmental Specialists and aspiring lead and support medics!


By opening an account with us, you will agree to pay the contracted amount per extraction which is due up front before we dispatch a team to your requested location.

If the team doesn’t make the specified deadline your costs will be cut by 50% immediately and another 10 percent for any extra minute over.

You may charged in addition for ammunitions spent, ordnance dropped, aircraft damages, but that is currently subject to change and will depend on the contract you hold with us.