Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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Intergalactic Task-Force Group / ITFG

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Transport
  • Security

Intergalactic Task-Force Group, where our main TASK is to secure you and your valuables. we are the best in our class, with out a doubt Both you and what’s most precious to you will be SAFE with us. that is our Promise

check our our page for more info.


since the 21st Century, our predecessors have been looking into the stars wondering what is out there, and whether or not they will ever reach that far. they have managed to reach the stars and beyond that as well, But the further they got the more dangerous it became. Pirates, neighboring aliens, and plenty of other threats kept them at bay. so for over 100 years * ITFG* has always made SECURITY its purpose, to give their clients peace of mind. when hiring ITFG you and your valuables will be protected.

Because Protecting you, your loved ones, and your Valuables is the ITFG’s main TASK.

visit our(Discord Server) for more information on how to Join or anything else you have in mind. or
visit Our (Web Page) to learn more About Us.


Dre B. Hunter was an entrepreneur whos Company Values and Motive was to be the best At what we Do, to give hope to the clients. when the U.E.E. officially Formulated and people Where asked to join And moved away to keep our Race Relevant, Dre Decided to speak to those soldiers and asked them what they needed or weren’t able to finish before deployment to his surprise it was mostly their Family not being safe Due to the immanent threat coming. Dre Decided to use his Fortune and assemble a fleet to move people, and Valuables to Safer Locations to give those solders a piece of mind. Today Hundreds of Years Later we stand by that Motive, as well as expanding our resources to stay relevant we are still the best in our class. to protect you and your Valuables will always be our motive Because that is our main TASK.

visit Our (Discord Server) for more information on how to Join or anything else you have in mind. or
visit Our (Web Page) to learn more about us.


ITFG is a strong willed Companies who’s Main Focus and* TASK* is to keep its costumer and Their Valuables Protected .

ITFG Employees are professionals
ITFG Does Not Judge as we are not a court.
ITFG Doesn’t ask Questions, except where to and by when. this Means We value privacy and Discretion.
ITFG is the best in Transport and Security and that is why our Customers Love* ITFG.*

Q: How do I join?
A: You can join by pressing the Join us now! button on the top right of the page.

Q: Should I join as a member or as an affiliate?
A: Upon joining ITFG, please set yourself as a Member, not an Affiliate. Currently ITFG does
not accept any new Affiliates.

Q: ITFG has 4 Branches to choose from, can I be part of more than one?
A: Absolutely! Every member is part of ITFG as a whole. This means you can participate in
activities from every branch whenever you want; only Generals are assigned one specific
branch to focus on.

Q: What does ITFG being a lawful organization mean?

A: It means that ITFG does not condone or engage on piracy or grieving activities. Any activity
that has as an objective disrupting the experience of other players in the Verse is not allowed
in ITFG. Grey areas such as smuggling are allowed though, since it does not involve killing or
hurting other citizens. and its Mostly One of the areas ITFG is involved in.

Q: What time zone does ITFG operate in?
A: ITFG is active in every time zone. so to simplify things we will operate using UTC

Q: Does ITFG accept role play?
A: We have nothing against role play. Any member is free to join A channel in Discord and stay in

Q: I have more questions!
A: Feel free to drop by on our Discord server and ask your questions there. We will gladly
answer them for you.

visit our (DISCORD SERVER) for more information on how to Join or anything else you have in mind. or,
visit our (Web Page) to learn More About us.