Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!



  • Club
  • Casual
  • Exclusive
  • Piracy
  • Piracy


temporarily unavailable


ILIRIUM is an international pirate club specializing in capturing on high end pvp gameplay. We strive to become the best of the best by honing our ipiloting and combat skills.
The main goal is to have fun playing Star Citizen, being among motivated fighters and getting better every day, as well as provide members with everything possible for convenient co-op and cooperative gameplay.

What we offer:

– Community
– Duel Training
– Teamfighting Training
– Piracy Events
– Escort/Protection


The main goal is to have fun playing Star Citizen.
If you need a manifesto – come up with it yourself, every member of ILIRIUM is free to guide himself, but must remember that we are a pirate organization and as long as you are our member, do not dirty our reputation and never go against your own people.


Have a pledge package for Star Citizen.

ILIRIUM is a Star Citizen club so you need to have a pledge package for Star Citizen. You also need to have a current meta ship for pvp, which is the gladius.

Treat others how you want to be treated.

Participate in our trainings to maintain your solo dogfighting and teamfighting skills.

Communicate and be social with other members.

We currently use Discord. Everyone needs to have a mic and be able to use it.

Politics and/or Religion are not to be discussed in any form.

Talk to club leader via dm on Discord if something comes up.

Listen to the leaders instructions during piracy ops and training sessions.

This is to ensure proper information is clearly announced to all members in attendance.

Org exclusive.

ILIRIUM is to be your main org on your main account.

No member of ILIRIUM is permitted to be a member of another pirate org.

These rules and expectations can and will be updated as necessary.