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Jackson Bros. General Trading / JACKSONBRO

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Trade, Shipping, Market Intelligence, Exploration, Salvage, Mining, R&D, Security


Founded in 2940, the Chinese year of the metal monkey, Jackson Bros. General Trading is a start-up family firm with big ambitions.

Jackson Bros. General Trading is already a well-established actor on the galactic market. Our trading empire is growing and we continually strive to expand our ownership of refineries, factories, manufacturing plants, etc.. Our trading fleet is capable of providing the freight capacity required to transport our commodities around the galaxy to provide consumers with high quality merchandise and goods.

Our own trading fleet is capable of transporting both very large amounts of freight over great distances as well as smaller and more sensitive cargo quickly and discreetly. For this reason Jackson Bros. can offer safe and affordable logistics and shipping solutions to others operating on the market.

Market intelligence
Our operations are not limited to the markets however; we also provide the most reliable market-intelligence services in the ‘verse including ship valuation analyses, commodity price predictions and investment strategies.

Exploration, salvage and mining
No amibitious trading organization would be complete wihout exploration, salvage and mining ventures. Jackson Bros. naturally also conducts business in these areas. In particular, we perform well-respected exploration missions that are carefully planned and efficiently executed to maximize findings of scientific and archaeological interest as well as financial returns. We also are equipped to take full advantage of any mineral or salvage finds during such exploration voyages. Furthermore, we have the capabilities to run medium-scale mining operations independantly.

The Jackson Bros. R&D lab is dedicated to the scientific investigation of spaceflight mechanics and to the development of novel engineering solutions. It continues to produce highest quality results that allow Jackson Bros. to fine-tune their ships to maximum efficiency, a service that is also offered to prospective clients. On top of this, the lab works with alien artefacts and explores contemporary mysteries, such as the disappearance of the Artemis. Our databanks at Jackson Bros. General Trading Co are amongst the best-stocked and most complete in the ‘verse.

Finally, Jackson Bros. take the security of our cargo very seriously and for this reason also maintain and operate escort-capable ships, which allow us to operate without fear of pirate or alien attack.


  • Shipping
  • Delivery
  • Ship valuation
  • Trading advice
  • Investment strategies
  • Deep space rescue
  • Ship performance enhancement
  • Ship tuning
  • Armed escort
  • Scientific mission co-ordination
  • Exploration voyage planning and execution
  • Mining ventures
Name Class Function
La Mona Loca Reclaimer Industrial salvager
Mjölnir Orion Mining platform
Trafalgar Carrack Explorer
Pandora Starfarer Gemini Explorer Support
Sanzaru Banu Merchantman Trader
Psychopomp Vanguard Warden Fighter
Fulcrum Mustang Gamma Fighter


Jackson Bros. General Trading is a family firm but we welcome applications from interested parties. All our work is conducted on a profit-share basis. We strongly condemn those activities considered illegal in those systems in which we operate. Beyond this, we never conduct affairs in the slave trade nor do we engage in acts of piracy.