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Klescher Early Release Program / KERP

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Piracy
  • Freelancing

“Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege” – No crime and no penalty without law


Klescher Early Release Program was founded in the year 2952 due to the rampant corruption in the Klescher Rehabilitation Facility staff and their mistreatment of prisoners. After countless mobiglass thefts by the guards the founding members were determined to fight back against a system rigged against them. That began a search for a new home scouring recruitment ads and available organization’s documentation. While there were some candidates for an organization to call our home; none of those fit exactly. The majority explicitly banned the act of piracy which minimizes a very profitable sector entirely. The other small portion that encourages piracy almost always requires redaction of all members so that they can cause chaos without having to answer for their actions encouraging their members to be extremely toxic and worthless beings. Since piracy would be a focus of income for the organization utilized to fight against the corrupt prison system but we intend to do so as mature adults neither of those categories fit exactly. It was then decided to create a new organization that allows piracy but prevents its members from participating in childish behaviors. Therefore the Klescher Early Release Program was started. To bring together those that wish to have a community where all manners of income generation are welcome but not promoting toxic behaviors.


Piracy/crime is encouraged but not required. We will have safeguards in place to assure that the organization, despite doing piracy, is not a toxic environment. We want to be feared but also respected. Piracy does not need to be overly aggressive unless the situation demands it. More information contained in the organization charter. Membership redaction is allowed but not encouraged. We understand some citizens do not want to be publicly associated with piracy. The organization also wishes to work on both sides of the law to have many more opportunities to earn and so if possible, we ask that crimes are done in the dark to the authorities. If you do not know what this means please contact a member of the leadership team. The organization will not be focused on any primary method of earning and we welcome all types of citizens to join us. Affiliation is allowed and does grant some rights within the organization but does not allow for the ability to be promoted to higher ranks which have greater perks. We ask that organization members make valid attempts to play on a designated organization server. This is to allow us to have strength in numbers and be able to support each other as needed. We ask that members make attempts to improve their gameplan as they explore the game and help others in the org to improve as well. We will have training sessions where you can learn, practice and teach each other mechanics of the game. An abundance of resources are available and provided generally via the Discord channels associated to specific roles.


1) Do not be toxic. See RoE for more in depth requirements.
2) Respect people. We will not tolerate any hate towards another person in or outside of the organization based on who they are or what they believe in. Please keep politics and religion to yourself as this is not where those should be discussed. Talking shit is allowed but you should do so with the understanding that the other person is not going to be upset (if you know them well enough or don’t engage in that activity) and be adult enough to stop and apologize if you do upset someone. Repeated offenses or continued shit talking is not acceptable.
3) Microphone is a requirement.
4) Your Discord name must match your RSI handle
5) 17+
6) You will not disclose or attempt to gain personal information of other members
7) No promoting your org, other discords or any streamers.

Rules of Engagement specifically for acts of piracy. Self defense does not require the below process to be followed: No griefing. After the below process is followed you may engage the target once. You will not seek them out again and be the aggressor. If they return to fight, as they may, you are allowed to defend yourself. You must have a reason for the attack. Attacking fellow org members is forbidden. If you are unsure if the target is a member of the org as they claim it must be verified on discord. Demanding payment for protection of their cargo is a valid reason. The highest ranking member participating in the piracy is allowed to refuse their payment and/or negotiate a higher payment. If an agreement is not reached then an attack is allowed. During piracy you must always hail your target and attempt to negotiate. If they do not communicate via voice, you are allowed to utilize text chat but voice communication is preferred. If they do not communicate then an attack is allowed. You will not fire weapons during hailing/negotiation unless fired upon. Quantum blocking devices are allowed to be utilized to facilitate the negotiating.

Ranks and Perks (subject to change with mechanics):
Uninitiated (affiliate): Free pick-up from prison You must be on a primary org server. Must be on discord and open a ticket. You will be required to break out yourself. Obtain a land vehicle and drive out of the restricted area to facilitate the pick-up
Initiated: Same perk as Uninitiated but able to advance to higher ranks. Must have org as primary organization.
Soldiers: Confidential
Veteran: Confidential
Advisor: Assists in managing the org.
The Council: Group that manages the org and makes all decisions