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Kodiak Industries / KODI

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Resources
  • Trading

Welcome to Kodiak Interplanetary! We are glad you stopped by and would kindly offer our services to you. Mining, Refining, and Salvage are what we have to offer. Whether you wish to become a client, or an employee, we can cover you.

Please contact the founder Bear-McCloud for more details!



Starting small with a ground vehicle and transportation, Bear-McCloud began the journey in the mining industry searching out and categorizing the different materials and elements in the Stanton System. A networking conference of Miners and Transport companies was held in New Babbage where he met a Ms. Silva Raven. They spoke often and worked together in the planning phases as they incorporated the mining sectors, and the security sectors together.


Mr. McCloud incorporated his company and opened up his doors to the public sector on May 13th 2953, comprising of himself and Ms. Silva Raven, changing the name to Kodiak Interstellar Inc. Mr. McCloud dealt with the mining operations, refining, and light transport of both raw and refined ores to the highest bidders. He immediately hired Ms. Silva Raven as security, utilizing her experience with military tactics from the UEE Starguard, and after a year of operation, promoted her as a member of the board of directors, and Chief of Logistics and Transport Operations.


As Ms. Raven and Mr. McCloud grew close, the stock holders began to express concern about the two major players being as close to one another as they were, and began urging the couple to split their brands into two separate corporations to help the stability of the company and limiting risk. Mr. McCloud and Ms. Raven devised a plan to do just that and in the end, Evergreen Interstellar [KODIEGI] was born. Ms. Raven became CEO of Evergreen Interstellar, and Mr. McCloud continued to own and operate Kodiak Interplanetary. Making the stockholders pleased, they continued to grow in their endeavors and the two CEOs worked closely together to support one another’s operations.


As it works now, Kodiak Interplanetary operates multiple mining machines from ROC wheeled vehicles, MISC Prospectors, and ARGO Moles to mine planetary and moon resources, along with MISC Freelancer Max transportation vehicles, moving the raw materials and refined ores and minerals across the Stanton system. He primarily focuses on Arc Corp and Crusader Industries companies to help supply them with the necessary materials to operate their manufacturing plants. Currently, Evergreen offers security services for piracy protection and early warning scouting to help ensure the ore and minerals arrive safely. Kodiak has also begun a small security firm to assist with security operations for Evergreen Interstellar when necessary for Ms. Raven.


In the future, there are talks about Kodiak transferring the transportation efforts to Evergreen as a distribution entity and utilizing Evergreen’s security services for piracy protection. After subsidizing the transportation, Kodiak will focus on Medical operations to assist with any medical needs of both Kodiak and Evergreen. Also, there are plans being built and working with Evergreen to open a new division in salvage and towing operations.


Current services offered

  • Mining
  • Refining of raw Ore and Minerals
  • Transportation of refined Ore and Minerals
  • Light Security Operations (for Evergreen Interstellar LLC)

Future Endeavors

  • Salvage Operations
  • Ship Towing and Recovery Operations
  • Medical Operations

Cultural Values


  • Trust
  • Honor
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Security First
  • Adhering to all Galactic, System, and Planetary regulations and laws
  • Integrity
  • Loyalty
  • Organization
  • Reliability


KODIAK INTERPLANETARY – “Mining for our future”

  • Here at Kodiak Interplanetary, we strive for providing star systems the required materials for a multitude of companies across the galaxy. We pride ourselves in outstanding customer service, friendly and professional operators, and keeping to our word in delivering the materials necessary in the production and distribution of many products across known space.


  • Always have fun!
  • We do not hire based on knowledge of machines or operations. We hire based on personality and the willingness to grow with the company and the want to become a valuable asset.
  • NO PIRACY!!!! – No illegal activities will take place within Kodiak Interplanetary. Know that whether you are on duty or off, you are still a representative and any actions can still negatively reflect on the company image. This is a zero tolerance policy.
  • RP is expected, and encouraged.
  • Special events will be held on a weekly basis for all to attend if you so wish.
  • We will respect our fellow associates and company allies to promote the best, and most fun environment we can.