Supply or Die

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Legitimate Businessmen / LEGITBIZ

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Piracy

We are, as previously stated, legitimate businessmen. There is nothing shady about our organization. There is no reason to have us investigated. Any supposed link between our corporation and any single act of piracy is purely coincidental.


In the year 2035, a small business that had existed in anonymity for almost forty years in the province formerly known as New York suddenly gained a great deal of wealth and political power. Many could only guess as to how the small business suddenly became a contending world power, many of the ideas revolving around aliens, the Illuminati, and illegal underworld dealings. Only those who are related to the original board of directors and employees know the truth.

In the year 2075, with the invention of the Quantum Core Engine, the business found its way into the space age, bringing with it the massive amount of supporters and influence that had allowed it to sustain itself on Earth. Following a few accusations about the actual workings of the company, the current CEO, possessing an odd sense of ironic humor, changed the original name of the company to Legitimate Businessmen. Ever since, Legitimate Businessmen has kept a tight lid on the secret workings of the company and its activities, secrecy becoming a key aspect of the company. Nobody knows what the company now stands for, aside from the typical trading and transport activities that it can be hired by outsiders to carry out.


Our goal is to become the leading corporation in all areas of Star Citizen society, except piracy. We do not publicly condone piracy. At all. Ever. We are not even remotely close to being pirate warlords, nor have any of our ships ever participated in any illegal activities.

As legitimate businessmen, it is our desire to see the economy prosper. We aim to provide good service at affordable prices. One could almost consider our service pricing to be a… steal.


We offer a variety of helpful services for which prospective clients could make use of, including but not limited to Trading, Resource Gathering, Transport, Scouting, Exploration, Military Assistance, Delivery of Materials, Public Image Assistance, and Cargo Repossession. Our members aim to be the best in their respective fields, each striving for higher levels of excellence in everything they do.


The Businessman’s Pledge

I, as a member of the company, hereby swear off all of my former alliances and aliases.
I shall always keep the company’s best interests at heart, lest I fall to treasonous activities.
I shall always value the current job over everything else, even my own safety, so I may be a trustworthy employee.
I shall always obey orders, no matter how inconsistent or arbitrary they may appear to be.
I shall always be conduct myself in an honorable manner, being respectful of others in any endeavor, legitimate or not.

I shall never interrupt another individual’s way of life, unless I stand to gain something from it.
I shall never take the life of a civilian, lest I fall to the same demise at the hands of the company.
I shall never doubt the intentions of the company, lest they begin to doubt mine.