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Logistical Space Services Incorperated / LSSI

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Trading

From security to transportation LSSI is your one stop shop for logistical needs.


LSSI was founded by a group of military friends who had a like minded goal of helping people in the galaxy much the way they helped people while serving in the military. These men fought together in battle and had each others backs in combat and in personal affairs. The bond they developed between themselves and other brothers in arms is not one soon forgotten. Hence forth the LSSI corporation designed to help those in need. Whether it be transportation or just a place to call home LSSI was made for people to turn to when there seemed like there was no place else to go.


Our goal is to provide a paid alternative to staffing your own logistical division. We cover and supply logistical support to other corporations to eliminate the need for unused manpower for the everyday mundane tasks. If you wish to become partnered with LSSI all you need to do is have a member of your organization become an affiliate / liaison of LSSI to coordinate logistical needs for your organization. When your member is applying please have them identify in their application that they are applying as a liaison for your organization.


We are a corporation of assistance. That being said we have a few rules to abide by.

  1. No member shall knowingly engage in piracy
  2. No member shall knowingly attack another member of the LSSI no matter the circumstances
  3. All members shall get permission from a board member before taking a player job1.
  4. No member shall engage in other organizations disputes2-3.

The rules are here for a simple “what not to do” situations. We are in no way shape or form disavowing PvP as it is a fun part of the game. However when acting on behalf of the LSSI these are the rules to follow. We are here to have fun casually and to be an organization to be proud of and have fun with. We want to be an organization that you want to go to the bar with and have a drink afterwards not one that feels like you have a second job to do when you get home. All applicants will be required to fill out a questionnaire and electronically sign a “i understand” affidavit. This just eliminates the “I didn’t know” factor not to screen applicants. Thank you for considering LSSI as your home away from home. And I look forward to seeing you on the frontier.

1 NPC jobs are exempt form this rule
2 Except for the purpose of escorting civil transports safely to destination
3 Civil transports are defined as personnel transports not for conflict and goods i.e. raw materials, weapons, fuel, etc.