Market Hub / MARKET

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Trading
  • Transport

Market Hub aims to become the premier network of commerce in the ‘Verse. Our vision is to establish strategic trade ports and outposts across multiple systems, creating bustling trade hubs and markets, for legal and discreet deals.

Discord – Market Hub


“From outposts to orbit—trade without limits”

Humble Beginnings in Terra

Market Hub’s origins trace back to Terra in the late 2800s, a time when the system was cementing itself as an economic powerhouse. While megacorporations like Covalex, Shubin Interstellar, and ArcCorp controlled the flow of goods through traditional channels, independent traders, haulers, and small business owners struggled to carve out space in an increasingly monopolized market.

Market Hub was first established as an informal network of freelancers, small-scale merchants, and aspiring entrepreneurs looking to trade without getting buried under bureaucracy. Originally known as The Hub, it started as an underground commodity exchange operating through encrypted spectrum channels, allowing small traders to connect, negotiate, and move goods efficiently across UEE space.

By the early 2900s, The Hub had outgrown its underground roots, attracting attention from both corporate watchdogs and UEE officials. To avoid scrutiny and ensure its survival, the network rebranded as Market Hub, shifting from an informal syndicate to a structured trade cooperative with a mission to provide transparent, secure, and efficient trade opportunities for independent merchants.

Expansion Into Stanton and the Corporate Frontier

Market Hub’s influence grew with the discovery and corporate colonization of the Stanton system. Megacorporations like Hurston Dynamics and ArcCorp dominated local trade, but Market Hub found its niche by catering to the “grey market”—not illegal, just inconvenient for the megacorps.

-At ArcCorp, Market Hub brokers helped freelance haulers find contracts outside of rigid mega-chain logistics.
-On Crusader, independent traders leaned on Market Hub to acquire and distribute high-value luxury goods and rare ship components.
-MicroTech traders tapped into Market Hub to source unique tech from both legal and “alternative” suppliers.
-Hurston Dynamics’ monopolistic grip on Lorville meant that Market Hub traders often had to work the fringes, moving supplies for oppressed workers and keeping alternative trade routes alive.

By the mid-30th century, Market Hub had evolved into a full-fledged trade association, offering protection, resources, and information to traders, haulers, and entrepreneurs navigating the unpredictable economic tides of Stanton and beyond.

Modern-Day Market Hub

By the 2950s, Market Hub had grown into a fully recognized trade collective, offering services that rival some corporate logistics networks. While it maintains a neutral stance in political and corporate conflicts, its members often find themselves operating in the grey areas of trade—where rules, contracts, and supply chains don’t always align with corporate interests. Now, Market Hub serves as an economic cornerstone for a network of craftsmen, haulers, brokers, and merchants looking to keep the gears of commerce turning—on their own terms.

As demand for independent trade keeps growing, so will its reach. Plans are already in motion to establish even more dedicated trade outposts, secure marketplaces, and independent space stations across key systems. From deep-space hubs for high-risk cargo transfers to surface markets offering rare and hard-to-find goods, Market Hub is building the future of free trade—one deal at a time.

Wherever there’s commerce, Market Hub will be there. New routes, new markets, new opportunities. The next chapter is waiting to be written.

