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Varangian Wardens / MIDGRD

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

The Verse is a dangerous place to explore, with the unknown lurking about!
Yet there is plenty that needs be done and the Varangian Wardens are the sort who are happy to do it!
If you want to explore it alongside us, enlist with us today!

Join our Discord!


Origin Story

Founded: 9th of January, 2949

Ours is a tale of curiosity. We who looked up at the stars and wanted to know what they contained are all people from different lands who happened upon one another, and made alliances and friendships along the way. Some of us met by battle, and so forged our kinship through combat and appreciation for one another’s skills. Some by the serendipitous happenstance of being in the same place at the same time and connecting over adventures that we chose to take together. Some sought us for knowledge and training and have decided they wished to stay. Each has their own story that have led them to us and woven that story alongside ours.

Upon coming to the realization that the Verse had so much more to offer us we struck our metal together and rose our banner in the Stanton System, and with heads held high we declared that we would make our mark out out amongst the stars. We began to gather what tools we could, the ships we had, prep the gear we needed, and went forth. Working in accordance with the Bounty Hunter’s Guild we began to accrue the funds to grow our Organization. Soaking up knowledge from every source we could we began to focus on all that was available to us, learning trades from Industry such as Mining and Trading, to Combat both from the Ground up to the depths of Space. Soon our small group had grown to a sizable fleet with the capabilities to tackle any challenge presented to us, and go where our hearts were called to.

WIP: Growth

As time went on, and more joined our ranks, we came to realize how much capable we had become and sought challenges previously thought too dauntingly difficult. We

Reasons to join

Friends. Ships. Kin minded drives to explore.

Our Flagship, a Carrack Expedition called the Hearth, was made possible with the kind donations and help from, and in no particular order,
  • Ahous Efi
  • Sarah N.
  • Nikki T.
  • BiteMeUniverse
  • Furystorm
  • StarWGeek
  • Cheshire Katzen


We are wanderers, travelers, explorers, of the Verse and all it holds.

There is not a horizon that does not cling to our soul in wonder, that cries out to be explored.

Naught a single mystery does not hang over us, needing to be seen to its end.

When we find a challenge we face it, battle it, overcome it, leave as its conqueror and tell of its tale.

Every encounter be it a person, a cave, a planet, the corner at the end of a hallway has a chance to be an adventure; A Story to be had and told.

They are opportunities, and when we see them, we go and discover.


The Varangian Wardens are a legal organized exploratory and mercenary crew whose Operatives have specialized across the spectrum of multiple fields, from Civilian Jobs to Extreme Combative Scenarios.

Rules within the Varangian Wardens and when conducting business:
  1. We always measure the risk/rewards of a job, and when we accept one we see it to its end.
  2. We are Mercenaries, NOT Pirates. We will happily be a security/assault/infiltration strike team, and will do what we can to keep our good standing with the Bounty Hunters Guild, but we do not attack or grief Civilians making their way in the Verse.
  3. Act in a respectful manner towards fellow members of the Varangian Wardens Crew. If there’s any disputes within the organization, contact a Tribune or Imperator and we will handle it.
  4. The Varangian Wardens welcomes those of any type of profession, whether it’s bounty hunting, mining, salvaging, trading, exploration, search and rescue, security, and so much more! The Varangian Wardens are a crew for people to find a place to belong, work together as one, and grow our Legends together.

Ranks within the Varangian Wardens:

  • Imperator – The Leaders of the Varangian Wardens who help set up events, missions, seek contacts, craft contracts, and council with the Tribunes in decision making for the Organization.
  • Tribune – Legion Leaders, they are capable Veterans who can Captain a crew, and represent the Org on Person to Person Missions.
  • Centurion – A Lieutenant and second in command to a Tribune, they are expected to lead and have knowledge in their field.
  • Legionnaire – Are elite crew members who have undergone Trials, and not been found wanting.
  • Soldier – Those who have proven that they will stay and fight.
  • Initiate – Those who are new to the Crew.

Join our Discord today!