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Nova Express Salvage and Transport / NOVEST

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Resources
  • Transport

Nova Express Salvage and Transport: When you need it now, you need it NOVEST.

Pilots wanted.


Founded in 2911, Daniel Colston started out as one man in a basic MISC transport with one goal – to keep the promises he made to his clients about security and timeliness. Now he commands a small fleet of salvage, transport and security vessels, ready to keep your supply lines stocked and moving, no matter what the cargo.

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We are a proud affiliate of COGNITION

Curious about our operations? Our fleet, anchored by our trustworthy Hull and Freelancer ships, has diversified significantly in the last few years, including the addition of two Crusader Industries ships: a military-grade Starlifter for oversized, but precious, cargo, and a Star Runner for secure data transfers. Escorted by our Aegis Vanguards, these ships have proven to be a great addition to the fleet.


Nova Express Salvage and Transport, or NOVEST, is a small company dedicated to bringing quality salvage to clients across the galaxy, as well as getting your product where it needs to go. We believe that it is quality, not quantity, which really matters. This means we can give clients the attention they deserve – here at NOVEST, you’ll never hear “Sorry, we’ll need to queue you behind seven other people”. When you need parts, they’ll be on the next ship out.

Our services don’t stop at salvaging and parts sales, though. Our fleet of transport vehicles is ready to move your product wherever it needs to go. From the Freelancer to the Hull C and Starlifter, we have the room you need to move anything you have.

NOVEST also features a security division of long-range gunships, fighters and more, to make sure your cargo arrives the same way it left. For additional security, we partner with trusted and dedicated companies with a history of success that matches our own.


Outside the scope of our organization, all players will:

  • Understand we are adults, and mature themes/language are permitted in chat
  • Be respectful – sexism, racism, or other harassment will not be tolerated
  • Refrain from making real-world threats against other players
  • Refrain from disclosing real-world information of any other player
  • Refrain from cheating or hacking in any form
  • Refrain from spamming chat or forums
  • Understand that violation of these rules is grounds for removal from the organization

All employees of Nova Express Salvage and Transport will:

  • Be respectful, to fellow employees as well as clients both active and potential
  • Act in the best interest of NOVEST
  • Practice non-aggression
  • Defend themselves, their vessels, and their cargo rationally and maturely
  • Make the job their priority, be it assigned or volunteered for
  • Be mindful of taking on more work than is needed
  • Make any concerns known to a staff member of at least Senior level
  • Take regular salvage tours
  • Understand the risks involved with salvage exploration
  • Refrain from piracy and other illegal activity
  • Practice “Don’t Ask/Don’t Tell” cargo policy
  • Cooperate fully with law enforcement and military
  • Familiarize themselves with the UEE Regulation Phonetic Comms alphabet to ensure clear comms
  • Lend a helping hand where they can