Okhil North Enterprises / ONE56

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Freelancing

Founded by Amyl C. Dexter (call sign “Aryndol”) and Mc’Davin Cloud (call sign “Highstar”), and named after the Seattle area neighborhood of their childhood, Okhil North Enterprises (O.N.E.) specializes in rescue transport and freelance operations.

O.N.E. can give you a second chance.


Okhil North Enterprises is the lifelong dream of childhood friends Amyl C. Dexter and Mc’Davin Cloud. Amyl and Mc’Davin, after years of freelance operations in the Seattle region on Earth, turned their eyes to the stars to expand on their dream of being “The good guys” by taking it to the rest of the ‘verse.

Amyl and Mc’Davin realized that making a living feels a lot better when it’s making someone else’s living feel better, so to speak. So, while they still have an entrepreneurial eye turned towards any good opportunity, goal number 1 is to help those who need it, deserving and undeserving, in hopes of making the ‘verse a better place to be.


O.N.E. exists to make life better for those we encounter, and to make a credit or two on the side in the meantime. We don’t tolerate spiteful activity, and while we may knock someone down on occasion, we’ll be there to help them back up too.

Our priority #1 is to be “The good guys,” whatever the situation. It doesn’t mean that we’re always legal, but we’ll always strive to make the high character move.


Low character actions are forbidden. While that may seem vague, O.N.E. is not an organization predicated on laws or rules, but on making the right choice in the moment. Sometimes you have to hurt someone to help them, and sometimes you need to break a law to fix the law.

Good guys make things better.