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Phoenix Defense Logistics / PDL1

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Social

Phoenix Defense Logistics is a Paramilitary Group focused on all types of gameplay in the verse. Whether you’re looking for a light milsim defense unit, you’re a more industrial player, or you’re a new/returning player trying to learn the ropes; we have groups for every type of gameplay!


After growing tired of the UEE’s and the Corporations’ lack of focus on the everyday Citizens of Stanton, a group of Industrialists and Crusader Security Veterans ventured to start a Paramilitary Corporation that would bring their vast resources and talents to assist the Citizens of Stanton and other ignored systems under the UEE. In September of 2953, the Phoenix Defense Logistics Corporation was formed. With a focus on defense of citizens across the verse, bolstered by a strong industrial arm, and a more neutral affinity; the PDL begin to build a strong Organization that can withstand and repel even the most hardened of Pirates and provide supplies and assistance throughout the verse regardless of affiliation with the UEE! The guiding principal of PDL is Semper Fortis, Semper Paratus! Always Strong, Always Ready!


Phoenix Defense Industries was born from UEE and Corporate Industrial groups in Stanton after noticing the rampant corruption and bureaucracy that has led to the citizens of Stanton, and the wider verse, not being able to rely on official means for defense from the growing piracy and Vanduul threats. Officially, PDL operates as a legal Paramilitary Corporation providing security for hire and a large industrial arm that funds and supports the military operations. Unofficially, PDL firmly believes the words of Anden Arden, Drake Interplanetary CEO, when in 2952 he stated: “The UEE cannot defend us, so we have to defend ourselves!” Not particularly hostile to the UEE, PDL takes a more neutral stance; offering to trade their vast military resources and experience for UEC.


Phoenix Defense Industries is a Paramilitary Corporation focused on providing defense for citizens of the verse regardless of their affinity to the UEE and the Stanton Corporations.

1) Membership to the org is mandatory. We do not ask that you set the org as your main unless you want to, but we do require you be members online as well as in Discord.

2) All official communications will be conducted via Discord Chat. This is to centralize all org communication in one location.

3) All members will respect the Chain of Command at all times. This doesn’t only apply to the military arm, but rather to all branches of PDL’s organization. As a paramilitary corp, we utilize military rank structures within even the industrial arm of the org as it is the support arm for the military.

4) We keep IRL politics out of the organization. The UEE provides enough political bs for us, we don’t need the outside doing so as well.

5) Be respectful to all members of the organization. Failure to do so will result in a warning from the Admirals, but continued instances will result in dismissal from the org.

6) Piracy isn’t officially sanctioned, but Privateering is. As long as the targets don’t bring UEE attention to the organization or significantly harm the Org’s standing in Stanton or other systems, the Privateer Arm operates under the notion that what the leadership doesn’t know, won’t hurt them.

Welcome to the org that will be the strongest defensive force in the verse for whoever can pay. Semper Fortis, Semper Paratus! Always Strong, Always Ready!

PDL Commander in Chief