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Pegasus Initiative / PEGAIN

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

You pay us enough, well do it!


The Pegasus Initiative was born as one of several successor corporations to the venerable Gemini Group. The collapse of the Free Earth market in 2920 lead to turmoil and strife between the senior Gemini board members. Gemini Weapons and Materials Manufacturing fell into insolvency. Gemini Security was spun off as a separate corporation with Lin’Ma as the sole stake holder. A power play by Lin’Ma and Mika Valentina ousted Gemini Exchange’s long-term director and founding member Deteris Maldori. Gemini Salvage (formerly Verge Scrape and Salvage) was released under the direction of Brennus Aodh, and Gemini Group itself was disbanded. The last remaining piece of the Gemini Group, Gemini Transport, remained under Deteris’ control; however, with losses increasing rapidly s the depression persisted, the situation looked grim. Firing most of the senior management, liquidating most assets, restructuring assets and debt, and retaining the decades worth of expertise and engineering Mr. Maldori saved the company. Where Gemini Transport fell, The Pegesus Initiative arose from the ashes, a new company with new ships, new staff, and new verve. A company which exists to serve you, the client, to save you money and provide the logistics expertise your company demands for contined growth and prosperity. Together, we rebuild, one package at a time.


*“One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don’t throw it away.”
― Stephen Hawking*

Mission Statement
Pegasus Initiative strives to provide a cooperative and friendly environment for all members.

——work in progress—


The Basics

Time Zone – NA (Atlantic-Pacific TZ )
Language – English
Minimum Age – 18


Our Organization members hail from all over NA east to west coast. While this would make large scale organization operations harder to coordinate, it will make it easier to find fellow members to join or request assistance from in the verse.

Reputation is Everything

Your actions will reflect on all of us and so they will need to be exemplary at all times.

Pegasus Initiative is more of an amalgamation of subsidiary organizations. Each subsidiary organization will operate independent, but when requested, assistance, resources, personal and information will be shared.
No hidden or redacted association/affiliation are permitted.
No harassment of any kind (in or out of the ‘verse) will be tolerated.
Rank has its Privileges

Any full member, not an affiliate, who shows a commitment to the company and goes ‘above and beyond’ will be invited to higher ranks. Those in higher ranks are expected to do more for the company and care more for those lower down the totem pole.

Anticipated Roles

Pilot/Co-Pilot: Flight control
Tactical: Operation of RADAR/Scanner equipment, Astrophysics and Navigation
Engineer: Power Distribution, Shield Distribution, Ship maintenance and repair
Mechanic: Maintenance and repair of any/all vehicles carried by parent ship
Comms: Communications between parent ship / Fleet / 3rd Party / ATC / Other
Gunner: Operation of defensive/offensive weaponry and systems, Ship security
Technician: Operation of other ship systems not listed above (E.G. Refueling Systems)
Marine: Ground and EVA combat operations, Ship security


Rank will outlined once we have reached a consensus on the duties and responsibilities of the rank system.


Very important: We are looking for people to join in NOW. People that want to fly as part of a group, whether that’s multi-crewed on a single ship, a whole fleet of ships or a combination of both. People that want to chat, tell tall tales and share in the banter, as we learn how to get rich in the ‘verse. If you’re not wanting to take part TODAY and you’re just looking at options for “when three-point whatever comes out”, we’re probably not the place for you.

How to Join

Read both our Charter and Manifesto.
Send Application using the ingame application system
Join us in our Discord VOIP server and TALK with us and we will review your application Pegasus Initiative Official Discord

See you in the ‘Verse!