Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Cosmic Star Systems / SANDVICH

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Trading
  • Exploration

Welcome to Cosmic Star Systems!

Our Org is focused on creating a profit for our growing corporation!

Cosmic Star Systems is comprised of highly trained soldiers and will never give up on a mission!

From the expanse of the final frontier to our familiar home of Earth

-Cosmic Star Systems


Cosmic Star Systems
Like true space entrepreneurs, our beginnings started on Earth with a few credits in our pocket and a dream to one day make it big out in the great dark wonder.
From eating sandviches at Earth, to slurping Benny’s Noodles.
Cosmic Star Systems has a detail of highly trained FPS fighters by ground,
and are expanding our network and crew into space as well, one ship and mission at a time!



Our main objective is transporting cargo. Cosmic Star Systems is prepared for simple runs as well as jobs that no one else dare to take.
Our corporation can fulfill your transporting needs whether it be fuel, munitions, to special materials.

Cosmic Star Systems is dedicated to making sure your materials arrive safely and in a reasonable time frame. Our trade routes will be carefully planned out and mapped to ensure your cargo is safely protected and escorted by our security detail.

We will deliver at any cost depending on how safely and quickly you require your goods to be delivered. We are a highly trained Corp that have spent years pushing the cart, and ensure yours will be pushed too! We take our client’s jobs very seriously. When it comes to your business, no job is too big or too small for Cosmic Star Systems!

We are very much looking forward to expanding our operations over time to other parts of the galaxy as well.

Alongside transport services, we also offer consignments for bounty hunting, mining, and special high-risk missions upon request.


Anyone can join Cosmic Star Systems upon sending an application for review. You can choose to or not to donate any of your mission proceeds to the organization with UEC. Doing so benefits our organization’s growing fleet of ships and resources and increases your rank and value to Cosmic Star Systems. Ships that are purchased with UEC will be available for members Rank 2+ to rent for personal and/or organization missions. Each rank after 2 allows you to rent a larger variety of ships owned by Cosmic Star Systems.

Please note: The donation milestones for each rank is not completely set in stone and is still under consideration as further updates occur in Star Citizen. More details coming soon!

Cosmic Star Systems Rank Guide

Rank 0 – New member – You’re a new member. You have no obligations to move past this rank. If you like to just go on missions every so often with a group of people, this is for you!

Rank 1 – You have helped out on at least 10 missions and proven that you are interested in the future of Cosmic Star Systems! Again, there is no obligation at this rank to contribute any donations. If you love to just regularly join us for some missions you are more than welcome to gear up and ship out with the team!

Please keep in mind that our donation milestones are rough examples and are not yet official. We will update these amounts when the economy in Star Citizen has been established

Rank 2 –
Donations of 100,000 – 250,000 UEC
Rank 2 allows you to borrow any one ship for free in Cosmic Star System’s hangar with a value at or below 500,000 UEC
for 7 days. If no one else requests that ship in that time frame, your loan continues up until it has been requested by another member or if you request another ship.
You are responsible for any fuel/ repairs/munitions required on the ship in this time frame. All loaned ships must be returned as they were borrowed!

Rank 3 –
Donations of 500,000+ UEC
This is Cosmic Star System’s highest rank. This rank should be anyones goal!
As one of our highest ranking members, you are given access to Cosmic Star System’s complete fleet of ships! You can request any one of the ships for 7 days. If no one else requests that ship in that time frame, your loan continues up until it has been requested by another member or if you request another ship.You have proven your time and part of your profits are worth investing into Cosmic Star Systems and we couldn’t thank you enough! With your time and effort put into our organization, we will be able to allocate the ships and resources we need to continue our growth to the stars and beyond!
You are responsible for any fuel/repairs/munitions required on the ship in this time frame. All loaned ships must be returned as they were borrowed!

By loaning ships that are bigger and better
you will also generate UEC much faster.

Feel free to ask any current members of Cosmic Star Systems for assistance on a mission! We’re all here to help each other. Its lonely out in space, bring a friend!

If you find your self taking on a mission thats to big for one star citizen, need help with an escort/transport, or require a little more firepower, call upon one of your fellow members of Cosmic Star Systems and we’ll do our best to help each other out! And remember you are not required or obligated to donate, that is solely up to you. _

It will always be better to take on a job as a group. The more hands we have on deck, the tighter we can run our ship and ensure success!
Some places are much more dangerous and prone to piracy and need a few good ships to remind them that evil never flourishes! Let’s make Cosmic Star Systems the best it can be and never settle for less!
This is our motto. Live by it, work by it and we all shall become rich in this world.

-Cosmic Star Systems

Revised on 4/27/2016