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Serenity Gaming EU. / SGEU

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Freelancing

Welcome To Serenity Gaming EU
We pride ourselves on activity and friendship, we are an 18+ community looking to establish a foothold in the ‘Verse with an extensive background in many different kinds of games.


Serenity Gaming was founded in the early months of 2018 by a group of friends looking to create a space where people could come together and play video games with other likeminded individuals.

We started small with just over a dozen members. However the Servers numbers quickly swelled and soon Serenity Gaming went from a gathering of gamers, to a bustling community and although our target demographic was mainly European, we ended up boasting members from all over the world. A fact we take great pride in.

Activity is something we pride ourselves on and you can guarantee any members you see in the Community will be active in the myriad of channels the Server offers. From Overwatch to Anime, from Destiny to Tech Talk, we have it covered.

We have made great friends on this journey and sadly lost some too but we could not be happier with what has been accomplished so far and with the help of our members there is no telling how far we can go.

We are SG and we hope you enjoy the ride as much as we have.


Our manifesto is to build a lasting community within the ‘verse and outside it. We pride ourselves on quality over quantity and would love for new members to come join our merry band of misfits

We are an inclusive organisation and welcome all members regardless of colour, creed, sexual preference or gender orientation and expect the same view from all our members


1️⃣ – Age restriction Serenity Gaming EU is an 18+ community (no exceptions) if we have any reason to believe a member is under 18 we may ask you to prove your age or be removed from the community for you then to reapply when you are the correct age.
2️⃣ – Activity Activity is checked on a rolling 30-day basis for members and recruits. Within this activity period, we ask everyone to be in voice for a minimum of 5 hours. If, as a Member, you fall below the required activity threshold, you will receive a message from Statbot in activity-reminder. If you are still below this threshold one week later, you will be contacted directly by a member of staff.

Failure to respond to this message, or to achieve the necessary activity level, within will result in your roles being removed; those with no roles are automatically removed from the server (‘pruned’) within 48 hours. If you anticipate being unable to play or being unreachable by direct message, please get in touch and ask for the AFC (‘Away From Community’) role.

If your roles are removed, but you notice before removal and wish to stay part of the server, you will still be required to submit another application and will revert to Recruit. If you are removed from the server for inactivity, you are welcome to return and reapply; however, if you have been removed more than three times, you may not be approved again. AFC and reapproval will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the Admin team.

Activity can be checked at any time in recruit-and-activity. Please note that the bot will not pick up activity if you are muted on Discord.
3️⃣ – Away from Community (AFC)
If you are unable to join voice for a substantial period of time, contact a member of staff and request the AFC (“away from community”) role
Requests must contain a reason for absence and an anticipated end date; AFC will be removed on this date.
You are responsible for communicating with staff regarding changes to your AFC – e.g. should you need to extend this or when you are able to return.
If you are showing voice activity despite having AFC, the role will be removed – you will be notified of this.
Granting AFC requests is at staff discretion, and is not guaranteed. Requests may be denied if they do not contain the necessary information, if the reasoning is viewed as insufficient to justify inactivity or if the time period is overly long.
We will approve AFC requests for upcoming patches for certain games (Please note we new game titles may not be considered)
4️⃣ – Respect your fellow members Please keep conversations that may be considered offensive in the appropriate channels with the appropriate people. Members who constantly argue, cause offence or are a constant nuisance will be warned/reprimanded/removed.
5️⃣ – General Behaviour Make sure you behave appropriately in and outside of the Discord server, for example: in-game chats or a forum. Behaviour that we do not allow include, but are not limited to: harassment (of any kind), racism, DDosing, malicious threats, recording without permission, low quality posts, constant use of emotes, continuous negative posts regarding in game characters/ability etc, impersonation of members/staff, using/showing user’s private information, multiple/sharing discord accounts.
6️⃣ – In game rules Cheating, exploiting, boosting, hacking or hiding account information in order to manipulate SR, server events or game rules will result in removal from the community. Engaging in or encouragement of behaviour that is reportable in-game on-server may be met with a ban. Breaking a game’s TOS will also be reported to the appropriate game’s support team. Members who want to make reports about such misconduct should raise a support-ticket and supply evidence. This means public/unsupported accusations are not permitted.
7️⃣ – Advertising Self promotion is only allowed if it has been agreed by SG Admins, Streamers must apply for the streamer role to be advertised by/in SG as you will need to ensure your content is suitable for our community and its members. No spamming
8️⃣ – Reporting If you feel like you have an issue/complaint/feedback please feel free to use our support ticket system sg-support or if the matter is urgent please contact a moderator/admin, we will try and respond as soon as possible.
9️⃣ – Common Decency English is the required language, Push-to-talk is recommend, Don’t argue with Staff, Malicious correcting someones spelling/grammar, Use the correct channels (For example: NSFW), Be careful with game spoilers! Use the spoiler command or avoid the topic.