Shadow Vipers / SHADOVIPER

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting
  • Scouting

Alea iacta est – The die is cast

We are anti-piracy – Newbie Friendly – Multi-national – Offering military and support positions



Brief History of the Shadow Vipers


The Shadow Vipers were born on the 18th of May, 2017.

We were created in the hopes of forming a brotherhood of like minded individuals who strive for professionalism and excellence, while adhering to a code of conduct that helps to give our clients a peace of mind.

We are a small combat focused organization. Our members primarily hail from North America, with people ranging from Europe to Australia.

Due to a variety of reasons and after a period of inactivity, the Shadow Vipers rebooted into a small tactical focused Organization on the 16th of November, 2024.

As we approach server meshing and the gameplay changes coming forward, so too do we approach a new form of Shadow Vipers!


Alea iacta est – The die is cast


The creation of the Shadow Vipers marked the point of no return. We are an organization that will not stop and will continue to roll the dice in a universe of unforgiving possibilities.

The game is set, the pieces are known. – Let the die be cast.


Delivering Death By Stealth

“Blades of glass, ghosts of darkness.
Death from stealth, An unseen likeness.”

The Shadow Vipers are not just a PMC, we are a Military Organization that values honor, teamwork, strategy and stealth. We are the brotherhood that stands by each other and delivers the fangs of death to anyone the client needs. Strategy is very important to us and stealth and teamwork is paramount to this strategy. Our tactics provide a cohesive structure for our clients to rely on. They know that whatever the task, we can accomplish it with a very light footprint.

Brotherhood and Community

“A brother left, a brother right.
Together we are, together we fight.”

The Shadow Vipers is a mature community of like minded individuals who desire a no Drama and bullshit playstyle. We want to give our clients the professionalism they desire and the results they deserve. We are a PvP centered community that includes training and jobs in all aspects of Star Citizen. Battle drills will be commonplace in between our military operations. Above all else… We are a community who not only play Star Citizen but other games as well. Bridging our teamwork into a wide variety of gameplay and styles.

Real life comes first

“Family, Wife and Career
Happiness, life and Beer”

Real life is always first, your family, your wife and your job always comes first before a game and we will never force you into situations that you are uncomfortable with. We just expect you to speak up, let us know what is happening and how we can help create a harmonious relationship between member and organization.

Principles of Guidance:

  • Honor:

We are an honorable and professional organization and will always offer the ability for our enemy to surrender. The enemy is a person playing a game, he will be treated with respect and dignity as all people deserve.

  • Integrity:

A Shadow Viper is a person of integrity, courage and conviction. They must be willing to control their impulses and exercise courage, honesty and accountability in order to do what is right even when no one is looking.

  • Service Before Self:

Our professionalism must be adhered to at all times. We serve the client’s wishes and we are neutral towards others. Self Control, discipline and respect for everyone takes place over our desires. Customer Service is paramount in dealing with clients.

  • Excellence In All We Do:

Aiming for excellence is what the Shadow Vipers strives for. We train and we train hard. Making sure all of our principles and our code of honor is adhered to. We must continue to improve and continue to be there for the client and our organization.


Basic Requirements:


  • Must be 18 years of age or older and realize that you’re joining a mature group of individuals. We desire maturity and respect in our members at all times. We don’t have time for bullshit. We may make special considerations for family members even if you are under the age of 18 as long as you are mature and respectful.
  • Veteran, Active Duty or Civilian – we do not discriminate, all are welcome!
  • We are a pvp centered organization and everyone is expected to be able to fight, should the need arise. We have support positions but combat may happen at any time and we don’t want you to be unprepared and thus, all members will be expected to be able to defend themselves even if they are not the best. We will conduct training and help members get better at the game and at combat.
  • Must have in good working order – a microphone/headset capable of VOIP communication. Push to talk is preferred but if you do not disrupt comms with voice activation then that is fine to use as well.
  • Must follow the Operations Commander during combat operations and must adhere to combat comms during PvP. Otherwise, open comms are encouraged with loads of laughter and jokes abound.
  • Shadow Vipers must be visible but you can set yourself as affiliate or main. Hidden affiliation or redacted are only reserved for special permissions.
  • Try and make an effort to be present in Discord even if the game is having issues. SC is not always in the best state but we want to make sure we maintain a community in Discord.


Rules of Conduct



These rules are here to make sure we have a great community and everyone can learn to work together in a brotherhood of cooperation. These are only here to make sure that our community has an atmosphere that is fun and comfortable for everyone. If you have any questions, please ask and we can clear it up for you.

General Rules

1) There is an absolute ZERO tolerance on Piracy against any innocent lawful entities. We want to be able to have UEE contracts and be good with the Mercenary Guild.
2) Griefing other players is not tolerated and you will be kicked from the organization without a second thought.
3) Spying for another organization constitutes an immediate removal from the organization.
4) Be Respectful to others – YOU are REPRESENTING the Shadow Vipers.
5) No Trolling others on RSI forums or In-Game.
6) No Smack Talk in Local Chat/General Chat in-game or on RSI forums. (The best smack talk is winning in PvP so leave your ego at the door.)
7) No hidden affiliation or redacted unless special permission is given. Shadow Vipers can be set as Affiliated or Main (Visible)
8) No affiliations with pirate organizations or entities that desire us harm.

Discord/Spectrum Rules

1) Be respectful to others – insulting, flaming or personal attacks against any member will not be tolerated.
2) No pornography or illegal material – NSFW is fine in the appropriate channel (NSFW channel) – We just ask that you don’t include things that are political, sexist, racist or very bad. Be respectful of opinions.
3) Recording video is fine as long as you ask if folks are comfortable with it and there should not be any live recording of operations requiring OPSEC. Ask first and be respectful.
4) Profanity is fine as long as it carries no religious connotations but any use of racially, sexually or other offensive language or behavior will not be tolerated.
5) Leave religion and politics at the door – we do not need to rile people up. Respect others beliefs.
6) No Trolling others – in or out of our organization.
7) No impersonation of others or officers.
8) No drug, religious, racist or sexual references will be tolerated in your name. If your name interferes with Discord communication, it is unacceptable. Any member with numbers or jumbled letters only for a name is also not tolerated. For example: 35g26it352 is not acceptable as a name. Using a name like “FireAtWill” is also a bad name. Please have an appropriate name.
9) Leave any drug talk for private discussions, it is fine if you practice it but it does not need to be broadcasted to everyone.
10) No spamming channels
11) If you are given permissions to administer clients (kick, ban, move, etc.) do not take advantage of this privilege and kick, ban, move, etc. for no reason, this is abuse of power and will result in loss of permissions and/or a temporary ban.
12) Do not play music or soundboards over your microphone during a combat operation or during combat comms, the goal is to not be disruptive to comms but you can do this when it does not disrupt.
13) Push to talk is preferred for Combat operations but if you can manage voice activation where it doesn’t interrupt or disrupt comms then you can do that.
14) Discord is required when playing Star Citizen. You don’t have to be in the main channels but you need to be available should things happen, especially in a combat operation.
15) Affiliates wishing to advertise their org MUST contact Xondor before doing so.