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Terra-Nova Incorporated / TERRAN0VA

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Exclusive
  • Exploration
  • Trading

Click here to visit our wiki page!

If you applied for Terra-Nova Incorporated , be sure to check your Spectrum , the CEO will message you there!


What is Terra-Nova Incorporated ?

Established in 2938 by Jack Taylor , Terra-Nova Incorporated* or T.N.I is a UEE legal mutli-activity organization.We started by establishing trades between companies that is human and non-human , we later began in the field of exploration and mining and selling minerals to parties interested. Even to this day, it’s one of our largest profits and it keeps on growing as technology keeps advancing.

As of 2947 we specialize in Exploration | Science | Mining | Trading | Security | Logistics | Salvage & Repair!


Where do we originate from ?

‘‘Terra-Nova Incorporated’‘ originates from Terra-Nova System , Planet Terra.
Terra is considered a “super earth” due to its size and environmental similarities to Earth. In fact the planet was given the name Terra because of those naturally existing similarities, such as an oxygen-based atmosphere, indigenous vegetation, vast oceans, and temperate climates.

Terra is the center of operations for the UEE’s Eastern Expansion Program and a trade hub due to its 5 Jump Points.* It is believed that a 6th one may exist.*
The alien races that inhabit the Eastern sectors are generally friendlier than the aliens adjacent to the Western sectors.



  • Exploration – ‘‘Discover new Systems and Planets!’‘
  • Science – ‘‘Help us discover new species and minerals!’‘
  • Mining- ‘‘Make a living mining minerals and ores!’‘
  • Trading – ‘‘Make a living buying and selling commodities!’‘
  • Logistics – ‘‘Help us manage some of our assets!’‘
  • Security – ‘‘Help secure valuable cargo and important sites!’‘
  • Salvage & Repair – ‘‘Make a living helping others in need!’‘

Ranks and Roles System within Terra-Nova.

Click here to see the ‘‘Ranking & Requirements’‘ of Terra-Nova Incorporated !
Click here to see the Department Roles of Terra-Nova Incorporated !

Rank Applications

● Click here to apply for Intern
● Click here to apply for Employee
● Click here to apply for Senior Employee
● Click here to apply for Operations Manager


We often give our members and affiliates full Autonomy in their work
Taking responsibility for something you are passionate about most often translates into more effective results


If you decide to join ‘‘Terra-Nova Incorporated’‘ , you will be assigned with a Rank.
You will be able to request jobs in the ‘‘Terra-Nova Incorporated Network’‘ yourself and other members can participate and help you.
The members with the most influence points might be put in charge of Terra-Nova Incorporated’‘ operations and manage departments.

Human resources

By recruiting new members to Terra-Nova you enhance our capabilities and influence on the organization.



Interested in applying for Terra-Nova Incorporated?

Click here to apply!
Click here to visit our wiki page!

Once you apply for Terra-Nova , check your Spectrum PMs , the CEO will message you there!


Membership Rules.

  • Must be loyal to Terra-Nova Incorporated and not any other organization.
  • Political – Sexual – Religious beliefs are not to be discussed here.
  • We are looking for mature members.
  • Quality over Quantiy.

Disclaimer: Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in expulsion.


Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Roleplay in Terra-Nova?

Terra-Nova wants to keep the game as immersive and fun as possible , so we do roleplay while in game. Altough this is not a requirement , people can choose if they wish to roleplay or not , as long as they dont break others immersion!

What timezone are member from T.N.I in ?

Terra-Nova is a world wide organization , this means we have members from all around the globe , everyone is welcome to apply.

Where can we contact the CEO ?

If you applied for Terra-Nova Incorporated , check you Spectrum , the CEO will message you there with the details.
But if you have some questions about Terra-Nova , feel free to message ‘‘Jack-Taylor’‘ on Spectrum.
