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Certified Cutthroats / THESEUS

  • PMC
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Security

Certified Cutthroats is an elite PMC specialising in infiltration and private security contracts. We are also in need of a selection skilled traders. Please feel free to join whenever as we are always welcoming new members.


The year is 2756, the UEE is at a stalemate with the Vanduul blockade around the gas giant Pagan V. The Vanduul blockade is a huge barrier of ships preventing any tactical flanking maneuvers the UEE plan to undertake, with resources running low for the UEE fleet, Lieutenant Colonel Maximillian Strong commander of the UEE fleet decided to contact “Theon the Fierce” a reckless bounty hunter famed for his ability to slip into military compounds take what he liked and slip out undetected, up until this point he had been a large thorn in the UEE’s side, So naturally he was perfect for the job, after a price of 1 million UEC and full pardons for Theon and his men was agreed, Theon and Strong discussed the plan, the Vanduul ships were refuelling and rearming at a space station orbiting the planet, So Theon and his men would infiltrate the station and plant an anti – matter bomb in the middle of the two largest fuel silos, once they were in however they’d have to fight their way out thanks to the “life form recognition shield” protecting the silos. Theon realised the danger of the mission but agreed non the less.

The next day Theon was in position and ready to strike, and he did so with his usual precision and efficiency, he managed to infiltrate the station and make it to the fuel silo hangar, the arming of the bomb was a complicated and tedious process but Theon managed to do it with the help of his good friend Xander Col, upon leaving the hangar the alarm was triggered as the life form shield detected their signatures, the Vanduul guards opened fire on Theon and his team and several of them were killed in action, despite this Theon and Xander made it to the Landing pad where Theon had landed his ship, unfortunately the Vanduul were chasing them down and Theon had little more than a minute before the bomb would blow, and there was no way he could take off while being under fire, Xander held them back as best he could but one of the Vanduul got a lucky shot and hit Xanders’ arm Theon just managed to drag him on board his ship, he scrambled to the cockpit and just managed to take off and accelerate to warp speed moments before the explosion. The explosion was huge it destroyed half of the Vanduul blockade in seconds, after this the remaining Vanduul retreated and jumped away to their home planet, meanwhile theon raced to his friends aid but it was too late Xander was loosing too much blood Xander made Theon promise to look after his wife and son, and in his last breaths Xander said to Theon “treat him as your own”, from that day Theon promised to live a semi – lawful life and bring up Xanders son Racksmile and teach him how to fight and look after himself and always reminded Racksmile of the heroic man his father was. 20 years later Racksmile founded “Certified Cutthroats” a PMC dedicated to his father and vowed to destroy any and every Vanduul.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.


Our esteemed leaders have summoned a conclave to put into writing the foundation of our Faith. Please come back soon to learn more about our community.