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The Plexus Syndicate / TPXS

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Freelancing
  • Piracy

So you’ve found The Syndicate or perhaps The Syndicate has found you? Whatever the case may be, we’re glad you’re here! The Plexus Syndicate works off of a few basic concepts… stealth, unity, strict adherence to The Syndicate & it’s hierarchy, & finding opportunities wherever they exist.


The Plexus Syndicate was created in an attempt to protect a secret so valuable that it could change the entire verse completely. What is this secret? In attempts to keep this secret from ever being loosed on the verse, The Plexus Syndicate was born.

What is known of The Plexus Syndicate and it’s operations are very little. In the public UEE filings, The Syndicate appears on the surface to be a freelance organization with descriptions of jobs ranging from industrial in nature, to security, and ironically piracy. The UEE has recently labeled The Plexus Syndicate as an Outlaw organization. The Syndicate has appealed and denied such claims publicly.

Members of The Plexus Syndicate (normally referred to as “The Syndicate”), are just as shrouded in shadow and secrecy. Few live to know the names of those employed directly by The Syndicate. Those lucky enough to live, are smart enough to keep their mouths shut in regards to it’s members or it’s operations. The very mention of The Syndicate is usually followed by many uncomfortable seconds of silence.

No one seems to know the purpose of The Syndicate’s activities, but one can extrapolate from the public archives that The Syndicate always finds itself in important large scale events that have meaningful impact to the verse. The Syndicate seems to have no affiliation or loyalty to any one faction other than themselves and this alone has brought upon them much attention to all powers that be in the verse… human and alien.


It is better to be a warrior in the garden than a gardener in a war.


The UEE is slavery. We live free.