Supply or Die

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Trident Outfit / TRIDENT

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Exploration
  • Security

Welcome to Trident!

We are a mature, stress free, international gaming community originating from Planetside 2. Visit our forums at

We are currently recruiting; apply for membership today!


Trident was founded in December 2012 as an outfit in the game Planetside 2. From it’s humble beginnings it grew to become one of the largest communities in Planetside 2 with well over 2000 members across the world.

In July 2013 Trident expanded from being a Planetside 2 specific outfit to become a multi-game community, initially creating divisions for Planetside 2, Warframe and Minecraft.

Since then it has expanded into more games and in September 2013 the Trident Council announced the launch of the Trident Star Citizen Division with ultimatox as it’s division leader.

On the 19th of October 2020 ultimatox has passed down the role of Trident Star Citizen division leader to SinOmega.

…to be continued

Do YOU want to be a part of forming the future history of Trident? Apply for membership today!


Who we are

Trident is a casual, play to win organization. Without being way too serious we aim to have fun and at the same time be the best we can be through teamwork and tactics. Trident has a mature, laid back and drama free community of players who play multiple games together. Our members come from all parts of the world, though the majority hails from various European countries. We use English as our common language for voice and text. That being said don’t worry if your English is a bit rusty; most of our members do not have English as their mother tongue. Our 5 biggest member countries are: Germany, UK, Finland, Sweden and The Netherlands. These are closely followed by other European and world-wide nations in terms of numbers.

We will never require you to play at a certain time or a certain way unless you specifically sign up for a scheduled event. We realize that people have lives outside of the game and we accommodate all kinds of players. From the hardcore who are on every day all day to the everyday hero who only has time to play his/her favorite game a few hours in the weekend, you can find what you want with Trident.

What we will do

Trident is going to participate in all of what Star Citizen has to offer except for piracy. How much we focus on each aspect of the game will be up to the wishes of our members.

What we offer

  • Friendly, inclusive community.
  • High degree of personal freedom of choice.
  • Leadership opportunities.
  • Custom made website and forums.
  • Regular organized events.
  • Play with us in other games


Trident Membership

Any new recruits start out with the “Cadet” rank, to gain full “Ensign” rank you must do the following:
  1. Sign up for an account on
  2. Join the Trident Star Citizen Division under the Divisions tab (Note: Use your Star Citizen Handle as the “In-Game-Name”)
  3. Report for duty by making a post in the Trident Fleet thread on the Star Citizen Discussion subforum

Ranks & Roles

Rank Title Description
☆☆☆☆☆ Admiral Leader of the organization
☆☆☆☆ Vice Admiral Leader of organization subsection
☆☆☆ Captain Holder of an officer position, commander of a wing or gained through general promotion.
☆☆ Commander Commander of a squadron or gained through general promotion.
Ensign A full member of the organization
Cadet New member who have yet to do the steps required for Ensign rank


We will organize into subsections of leadership, called “Commands”. Each will be responsible for parts of the activities we do. (e.g. “Mercantile Command” will be responsible for trade and resource refinement). Members can choose a subsection they wish to belong to based on what interests them most, but that doesn’t mean they are locked into doing only those things. Everyone may participate in all the operations set by any of our commands. The exact “Commands” that will be created and who will lead them are still to be decided.

Star Citizen Regulations

i. Members are required to have their primary membership be Trident Outfit.
ii. Members are required to have their membership to Trident Outfit be visible
iii. Affiliate membership to other organizations is only allowed for organizations on the Trident Outfit Whitelist. All Trident members can submit new organizations to be considered for the whitelist.
iv. I general terms only organizations that do not pose a potential conflict of interest with Trident will be added to the whitelist
iii. Members shall not on their own accord engage in hostile actions against other non-pirate players except if the actions taken are in self defence, the defence of Trident property or the defence of allied players.

General Code of Conduct

Section 1: Gameplay
i. Do not use hacks or unauthorized tools.
ii. Do not exploit known bugs or glitches.
iii. Obey the Terms of Service/Terms and Conditions of the game.
iv. Do not behave dishonourably towards your enemies.
v. Do not intentionally kill or damage a friendly player under any circumstances.
vi. Do not “farm” experience or other rewards if it is to the detriment of your allies.
vii. Do not engage in any form of griefing.

Section 2: Community
i. Behave respectfully to everyone in the outfit (and guests) while posting on the forums or communicating with them through another method.
ii. Do not discriminate against others based on any factor (e.g. age, race, gender, sexuality).
iii. Do not troll others unless they are in on the joke.

Section 3: General Communications
i. Do not make immature slurs over any public text chat. Humorous insults are allowed provided they are not meant to seriously offend other players.
ii. Do not insult teammates, If you see a teammate making a mistake, educate them!