Supply or Die

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Trident / TRIPS

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Trading
  • Exploration

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Alex and sarra thompson decided to become independant and start their own company in hopes to make a better life for themselves. They purchased a ship and started mining in the local asteroid fields. Though they were making a good living doing this sarra couldnt but feel there was something missing.

“Alex my love” she said “I cant help but have this empty feeling”. “ I know sweetheart I too have been htinking about the very same thing.” said alex with a smile.

Sarra knew that he knew exactly what she was getting at.

“So what are we going to do then” she asked slightly concerned? After all there was no lack of trying it just wasnt happening.
“Maybe we should addopt!” said allex with a shrug.

Sarra’s face lit up with excitement “Oh I would love to hear the pitter patter of little feet in here, not to mention it would give me someone to yell at other than you.”

Alex laughed heartily “ Yes that would be a nice change of pace.”
“So its settled then, lets do it as soon as we get back.”
“I already made the apointment.” said alex with a sly grin

once their ship was secured in the hanger they left for the orphanage intent on addopting a child. However once they got there it was a different story. each knew what they wanted in a child but they were somewhat split on what that was, and there were so many children to choose from it was overwhelming. Finnaly they decided on 3 boys that were inceperable, what one did the other 2 were rite there with him. Alex and sarra couldnt help but see the loyalty to eachother as a good sign for the family buisness in the years to come.

Alex and Sarra taught the boys everything they knew about mining the asteroids. and mine they did making good money and enjoying life. After a few years the ore was getting harder and harder to come by and times were getting hard for the family. Alex decided one day it was time for a change. After the boys were old enough to stay on their own so him and Sarra would leave them behind and try to venture a little further to the more fertile fields further away.

“okay boys we will only be gone for about a month to see if its safe enough and worth the trouble to venture further out.” Alex proclaimed to the 3 young men.

“ Why cant we go?” they all 3 chimed in simultaniously.

“cause it could be dangerous!” said Alex with a stern yet warm tone. “the nanny will take care of your every need while we are gone.” said Alex.

The boys agreed and wished them well on their journey.

A month had passed then 2 months then 3 the boys were scared and the local authoraties report showed only small evidence of a skirmish, none that they wouldnt have been able to fly away from.

After several months Alex and Sarra were declaired dead and all assets were transfered to the 3 young men. The 3 got together and decided the middle brother would be incharge and decided to form a new family buisness not knowing if their parents were truely dead, They hoped that one day their parents would surface and retake the family buisness and they could continue with their own organozation.

With this the middle brother has proclaimed….WE ARE TRIDENT!!


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