Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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Valor Freedom Allegiance / VFA

  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Valor, Freedom, Allegiance
Valor – The inner strength to endure. Freedom – The unalienable right to be free. Allegiance – The bond that holds
Those qualities are how we live.


The VFA can trace it’s roots back as far as the middle ages of earth with a fair amount of certainty. The VFA code of true Discourse is based on the song of Roland. Knights of many realms were said to follow the ballad of Charlemagne. With all the wars and private holdings, only stories remain to this day. The actual truth may never be realized. But the VFA holds true to the ideals and the hope that the Knights code entails.

The most recent resurgence off The VFA is due to honorable service of a newly discovered system, New Vega.
This is the recorded history of the events of that time…

In the era of endless expansion by the UEE. Governmental and private citizens alike were recklessly exploring the galaxy, eager to make a name for themselves. A pirate, Jason Haversmith, had a different idea. He wanted to bring citizens to him and his band of pirates. In order to save on the expenditure of vital resources he lured unsuspecting prospectors into the New Vega system on false pretenses. Haversmith sent a false resource claim to the UEE Space Exploratory Commission. When the UEESEC denounced this claim, the pirate took an anti UEE stance, stating that the claim was indeed valid and that the UEE denounced the claim only to reap the benefits themselves. This announcement was received by the surrounding populace as truth. Many unsuspecting miners were caught up in this ruse and eventually lost all.

The UEESEC, by denouncing the claim played right into the hands of Haversmith. His sole objective was to bring his targets to him so he didn’t waste resources. After the first few disappearances, the UEESEC sent a lone scout to determin the situation and report back. By the time of the scouts arrival, word about the piracy going on in the New Vega system. Most of the pirates from Nearby systems were already in system and on the lookout for prey.

Needless to say, the scout was never heard from again.

The reports of more piracy and missing individuals floodied into UEESEC offices. Something drastic had to be done. Calls went out for volunteers to restore order in the New Vega system. All sorts of individuals from independent Soldiers of fortune to organized mercenary groups stood at the ready to answer the call. Most fled the system when they arrived and faced so much opposition, and even more abandoned the call when it was discovered that the reward did not equal the risk. Some stayed out of a sense of duty, honor, and obligation. One such unit was the newly formed VFA.(edited)
The VFA, embarking from the escort carrier Proteus, and flying older hornets, avengers, retaliators and gladiators. They took on the job with almost a crusade like mentality.Nothing distracted them from their duty.

When Haversmith launched an all out attack on the Proteus and drove it back into the heart of the system. The VFA only hardened in their resolve.

During this lull in VFA activity, a strike led by the VFA Founding Knight Waxman, launching from a forward base. Struck a fatal blow to the pirates. Randomly, and purely by chance the VFA strike force entered a dense part of the Nebula cloud and happened upon the pirates main resupply base.

Only a handful of Pirate ships were on station at the time of the strike.
The Founding Knight sent his gladiators against the pirate dreadnaught. The dreadnaught was filling the duties of a base. It’s own flight decks littered with ships undergoing repairs, was unable to launch any fighters in it’s own defense. In a brave act the gladiators closed to point blank range and “dumbfired” their torpedoes into the decks of the dreadnaught. With the dreadnaught a smoldering wreck, the pirates cut their luck. One by one the pirates engaged their drives and fled the system. With the VFA strike force down by half of the original size, the VFA pilots regrouped and slowly headed home. A lone pirate emerged from an insystem jumppoint And started broadcasting a challenge.

The Challenge was for a one on one grudge match to the death. The challenge was accepted by the right hand of the VFA.

For a while both ships hung in the black facing each other. Then the Pirate Launched a salvo of rockets at the Right Hand and quickly maxed his throttle. The Right Hand immediately went to full throttle and dove under the rockets. The rockets suddenly exploded and the resulting em blinded the ventral targeting of the Right Hands ship. The pirate killed his own EM signature and shut down all but a few of his maneuvering thrusters. The pirate silently dropped in behind of the Hand and powered up. The Pirate saw his opportunity and fired all his remaining rockets at the Hand. With grim efficiency each rocket bored into the Hands ship and utterly destroyed it. During the explosion the pirate fired up his drives and fled, not a word in victory or a comment on his return, he simply left.

In the aftermath of the battle it was tallied that over 5,000 lives were lost and hundreds of millions of credits.


Code Of True Discourse

A knight of the VFA is expected to have not only the strength and skills to face combat in the tumultuous Satin Ocean (Space) but was also expected to temper this aggressive side of a knight with a chivalrous side to his nature.
A Squire of the VFA is a knight in training

To fear God and maintain His Church
To serve the liege lord in valour and faith
To protect the weak and defenseless
To refrain from the wanton giving of offense
To live by honor and for glory
To despise pecuniary reward
To fight for the welfare of all
To guard the honor of fellow knights and squires
To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
At all times to speak the truth
To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
Never to turn the back upon a foe

To be known as having

But what does it all mean? How do I do that?

The code is not a skillset, not a chore, or a task that needs to be done and then abandoned. It is a way of thinking, if you resolve yourself to a mindset you will act according to that mindset.

To fear God and maintain His Church
This is a vital and essential element to the code. If you have faith and hope in a higher deity, you will be more sure in your actions, and less prone to indecisiveness.

To serve the liege lord in valour and faith
Can be interpreted as serve the master or Lord over you, to serve the code, to serve those set above you in rank. With all your mind and body.
While the VFA is friendly to the UEE, we do not serve the Governing political body, nor the military arm.

To protect the weak and defenseless
Come to the aid of those unable and also those unwilling to defend themselves. In Star Citizen: respond to distress calls. Take missions that promote goodwill. Graciously decline missions of greed or political positioning.

To refrain from the wanton giving of offense
Don’t portray yourself as a brigand, don’t be rude.

To live by honor and for glory
Be true to yourself and others.

To despise pecuniary reward
Don’t perform an act solely for the reward of UEC. UEC is good and vital. But money cannot be your only motivator.

To fight for the welfare of all
Whomever needs aid will receive. No one is without the need of help. They may be better off then others, but they are not devoid of the need.

To guard the honor of fellow knights and squires
Do not permit the belittlement of your fellow pilots. Nor show disrespect. Do not devalue the honorable actions taken by your fellows.

To eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit
eschew = shun, avoid.

At all times to speak the truth
Do not spread rumors or falsehoods.

To persevere to the end in any enterprise begun
Finish what you start.

Never to turn the back upon a foe
Don’t run from a fight. Finish your enemy. Be ruthless in your intent. Honor the choice of your enemy, if he chooses to stand against you in battle, his , their, or it’s life is forfeit.


You can fill any role you wish at any time in non official VFA matches. However, keep in mind that you will be trained only in your specified role defined in your letter of intent. If you choose a role in your letter of intent, and you play as another role you will not receive positive progress towards your knighthood.

Roles in the FPS

  • Medic:
    • Non Combat
    • Stay at closest Rally Point to action
    • Responsible for dragging soldiers to field hospital or ship
    • lightly armed or disarmed/ lightly armored or no armor
  • Combat Medic:
    • Enters into combat with squad
    • Responsible for front line trauma
    • Lightly Armed/Lightly Armored/carries as many medical supplies as possible
  • Rifleman:
    • Front line trooper
    • Assault load out/ carries spare ammo
    • Medium armor
  • Grenadier:
    • Front line trooper
    • Grenadier Load out/ carries extra grenades
    • Medium armor
  • Specialist Grenadier:
    • Grenadier with the added demolitions expert qualification
  • Heavy Assault:
    • Front line trooper
    • Heavily Armed/ Heavily Armored
    • Heavy Assault equipped with High radius weapon
  • Marksman:
    • Light to medium armor
    • Long range weapon
    • over watch or scout
  • Spotter:
    • Accompanies the marksman
    • Scout but also carries extra marksman equipment
    • Lightly Armed/ Light;y Armored

While there are some roles that will not bring you glory or respect. Those roles are vital. Extra consideration will be given to those Knights and Apprentice Knights filling those roles during missions. Only a single battle participant (per squad) may enter battle as a medic, combat medic, or a spotter. Priority for those positions will be given to the Knight or Apprentice Knight who have indicated that the position of Medic, Combat Medic, or Spotter in their letter of intent.

Roles in space

  • Dogfighter:
    • Front line fighter
  • Interceptor:
    • Responsible for the interception of warhead or fast moving enemies (retreating enemies or kamikaze fighters) Mission specific Fighters (multi-role)
    • Knights or Apprentice Knights who enter battle in a Uniquely configured craft
  • Heavy Dogfighter:
    • Bruisers of the space lanes who fly the Super Hornet or Lightning
  • Scout:
    • Stealth craft responsible for manually entering an unknown region
  • Pathfinder
    • Stealth craft performing long range recon
    • Usually out system
  • Light Bomber:
    • Limited range bomber
  • Strategic Bomber:
    • Long range Bomber
Space roles (support)
  • Transport
    • Carries the vital supplies and personnel of the VFA
  • Search and rescue:
    • Recovers the organic material ejected into the battles
  • Salvage:
    • Recovers the non-organic materiel scattered on the battlefield
  • SWACS (Spaceborne Early Waring and Control):
    • Flies behind the advance forces and uses it’s powerful radar equipment to scan far ahead finding enemies and alerting for ambushes
    • Flies routine patrols around a ship or a fixed emplacement scanning far for approaching enemies
  • Data Carrier:
    • Carries vital dispatches and critical communications that are deemed to sensitive for regular communication methods

While there are some roles that will not bring you glory or respect. Those roles are vital. Extra consideration will be given to those Knights and Apprentice Knights filling those roles during missions. Only a single battle participant (per squad) may enter battle as a Transport Pilot, Salvage, or a SWACS Pilot. Priority for those positions will be given to the Knight or Apprentice Knight who have indicated that the position of Transport Pilot, Salvage, or a SWACS Pilot in their letter of intent.