Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!

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  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Freelancing
  • Security

Protection and Procurement. You Pay we Play, WPD has its own dedicated Team Speak 3 channel, Private WING and Promo website: ( ) ( ) Quality over Quantity



With Pain Comes Death

We have been around the gaming universe for over 18 years now and WPD has kept the following ethics since day one:
  • Quality over Quantity
  • Team Work
  • Dedication to the mission and the mission is to be the best at whatever we do . We strive to train weaker members to become stronger so that we all are stronger.
WPD has been waiting for Star Citizen since our birth.

WPD’s skills have been developed and honed just for Star Citizen, The next evolution in PC Gaming, a vision of Excellence, Purity and Fulfillment.

WPD has and will always continue to be innovators in tactics and push to the forefront so others may follow.



With Pain comes Death

We the members of WPD have assembled together to present you clear doctrine for the establishment of our unit
and the unanimous declaration of our general stance and public consensus. Thus fourth the Founding Few of this
organization present you with the following:

The Truths that WPD upholds.


Quality over Quantity! We want to set the standard for others to follow.

larger communities of honorless individuals out for fame and glamour is but a glint in the eye of our Organization.

WPD favors the Few, the Sharp and the Loyal. It is callous to see members of a largely populated unit carry a
brand with no HONOR to support the name. We must train and be skilled with whatever ship or duty we must
preform. When a person carries the WPD title it shows without question that the individual posses the qualities
of a true Warrior, bound to the values of a specialized, reputable Organization.


Loyal to the core!

WPD helps any and everyone if we can. Loyalty to your fellow member is paramount. If you become a member you
agree to be responsive and fully supportive of each and every fellow member of this unit. We support our own and
then we help those in need. One must always take up arms alongside his fellow brother and sister in a fight even
against all odds. The fight of Loyalty and HONOR shall be fought together.

“ I would rather die with HONOR than live in Shame “.

While the game is in Alpha and Beta we will use this time for the foundation of our reputation. Building our Units skill and strength is key.

WPD looks for well rounded pilots that are willing to listen to orders when needed and give helpful insight and ideas to advance our position within the reaches of space. Every pilot has a voice in our Unit.

Our Unit is willing to train and help any pilot that is willing to help themselves and the Unit. The Unit is more than capable of helping pilots advance their ships and build resources. WPD consists of 10% Capitol ships, 20% Constellations, 30% Avengers and 40% Fighters. We know what it takes to achieve our goals.

This has been a long time coming…. So, enjoy the ride and have a great time. We welcome any pilot of any age and / or experience.

Our Unit has its own Team Speak 3 channel. We also have two websites we would love for you to look at:

If interested in WPD please apply to our Organization and tell us about yourself and why you want to join.


Membership in WPD is voluntary and with that said certain rules must be set in place to keep our Wing /
Organization free from drama and situations that will destroy our success and enjoyment. The following rules are
expected to be followed by all members of WPD.

1. No antagonizing or provoking fellow WPD members, either on Team Speak3 or in game.

This includes spamming the channel with random noise, repeatedly poking or whispering someone, or directly
or indirectly insulting them or their family. Jokes are one thing, and a gray area of what is “over the line”
always exists.

2. No member of WPD shall exclude another member from a squad for personal reasons.

When members do not wish join with a group they will not be paid for a job that others do. WPD will help
members who participate in operations; in simplest terms, help WPD help you. Members who,
“for personal reasons,” do not wish to work with another member in a squad have to validate and justify
this with their Chain of Command and the “S1 SHOP” which is Personnel. For example, if a member
has a history of not protecting his or her wingman from enemy ships or collaborating with the enemy
causing the group to not accomplish the mission is grounds for expulsion. We are a TEAM / FAMILY.
We are only as strong as our weakest member. We must do our best to make our weakest member stronger.

3. All members of a squad are required to work together.

No one is to join a squad, then simply leave and do something else in game or log out, while leaving
the other members without support. Obviously real-life circumstances do not apply here – if a member
joins a squad, then gets called away by real-life, then the latter takes precedent. The member in question
must, if at all possible, notify their squad that they will not be available, so they do not rely on that member
and find out too late the member is not available. Judgment is also required of all members to make a wise
decision on whether or not to join a squad in the game. If a member knows they will only be able to play for
thirty minutes, they should not join a squad to drop and sit on a mine or conduct a mission unless all members
of the squad are aware they will need to leave and are okay with it.

4. No Offensive TeamSpeak3 Handles / Names.

5. No divulging of mission operations, ship compliment or anything that would harm WPD.

Failure to comply with the above listed will result in the following:

1. Evaluation by the CO/XO of the member in question for the reason behind their actions.

2. TeamSpeak3 violations:

Antagonizing other members / players will result in a 1-day Team Speak3 suspension for the first offense, three
days for the second, and expulsion from the wing for the third. Expulsion will be decided by the wing CO or XO
only, but can be recommended by the squadron CO. Members expelled for misconduct will not be allowed to
rejoin, voluntary resignation for improper conduct will be considered the same as expulsion.

3. Members who exclude others from their squads without a valid reason:

Will be stripped of their right to lead squads or be a member of one. That is, other members are not to
join their squads nor accept them in theirs. This decision must be made by a Command Wing Officer.

4. Members who join and then leave squads without good reason:

Described in policy point #3 will also not be allowed to join or lead other squads if so decided
by a Command Wing Officer.

5. Members stripped of their Squad privileges:

Must have them reinstated by the Command Wing Officer, Wing CO or XO, once they have shown
that they can perform as a squad member in an acceptable manner.Those who will not contribute to
that community or who actively harm it will not be tolerated. Everyone can still have fun with no
impediment while following the conduct policies laid out, which essentially comes down to the
following: Treat your fellow players with “ Respect “.