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White Lightning Solutions / WLIGHTNING

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Social
  • Engineering

The premier Data Brokering Service in the Persistent Universe. Citizens, pirates, CORPs, Syndicates, militaries, orgs, freelancers, and the combined United Solar Governments alike have all trusted White Lightning Solutions for 802 standard solar years. Terror Belli, Decus Pacis.


‘ Simply put, communication takes time…Generally, InfoAgents don’t claim affiliation to guilds, syndicates or organizations. They are everybody’s best friend and their independence is a virtue that symbolizes impartiality. An InfoAgent’s value is much less tangible — it is determined by the information he or she possesses.” Rise of the Infobroker, Rachel Combs, Roberts Space Industries.

When our founders came together they were shocked to learn that the citizens of Stanton II have forgotten that org/groups are supposed to benefit their members, not vice versa. We are changing this. Slowly but surely. When The Advocacy, The UEE, Orgs or freelancers need something done but dont know how, when all else fails they call for WLightning. Data, solutions, opportunities, and our community.

After the untimely death of her father, our founder, Madame Cora Harper, vowed that humanity and the shadow intelligence networks across the galaxy at large will never again be used by nefarious or benevolent minds. Organizations, coalitions, and the many groups we find ourselves joined by are meant to benefit their members completely and with no obligations asked of them. Many are not willing to accept this. But the ecosystem grows and leadership takes time. For the past six centuries our corporation has carried out her mission and provided every possible service in the counter-intelligence, applied research and development, and war tourism™ paradigms of the Persistent Universe. Quickly making a name for ourselves as the “premier neutral partner to all in the PU” against all odds WLightning has grown into the developing entity you see before you. We are excited to share our benefits with you all.

Do you need connections? Reservations in events? Haven’t found the right allies? The perfect patsies? How about recruits? Surely you have connections with the various markets? Contacts with any org in the universe? We provide Data Brokering services on all for all to all. For all you new comers, veterans, and aimless citizens we offer a total immersive plunge job and career placement and training program (both professional and freelance). We so look forward to providing your perfect solution, today.

Examples of services we provide for our CLIENTS:

-an ongoing research and development and data distribution network.
-plausible deniability packages.
-Lightning teams.
-Thunder teams
-Nuke squadron.
-War economy™
-War tourism™
-arms, armor, and supply logistics.
-consensual and non consensual org conflict management.
-counter infiltration and espionage services.
-comms array packages.
-peace treaties, alliance mediators, adjudicators, and much more.
-Networking; why make friends and talk to people when we can do it for you?
communication with the most unlikeliest of players/orgs and finding the rarest of in-game artefacts.
-ongoing weekly community events, trainings, sparring and matchmaking.

(Some other few examples include networking, resourcing, data mining, exploration, security and bodyguard services, hunting, racing, extraction, security, medical, trade routes, and of course, intelligence operatives to any and all who seek it.)

(No commitments, no obligations, no duties, no strings. Applicants are known as affiliates, allies, and members.)


-5 million in game currency per month starting salary.
-separate expense accounts.
-medical extractions.
-potential invitations to The Network.

At White Lightning Solutions what you do with our information is your business. We are here to benefit you.

If you need it, or need to know it and fast, call us. Your enemies certainly are.

Public Discord



White Lightning Solutions are the owners, operators and managers of The Network, a massive communication, resource, data, and networking hub for the persistent universe, its nearly 9,000 orgs and over 5.02 million players.

All orgs are welcome. All players are welcome. Data Brokers aka Shadow Brokers aka Info Agents are a particular breed of player that can be often misunderstood at best, feared at the worst. Simply put to quote CIG, ‘we are everyone’s best friend.’ We are likely and often the first truly neutral org you will meet and we strictly follow the info agent’s code of total neutrality per CIG’s defined role.

So what does that mean?

1. We do not sell proprietary information for orgs and players; we don’t sell org procedures, we dont sell information that is not publicly availably about players and orgs, we dont sell org secrets, and we do not infiltrate orgs or groups. Rather, our goal is to route out the misinformation and miscommunication and bring this community closer together.

2. No taking sides: we have the luxury of being the only role defined by CIG as being able to stay totally neutral. We actually do not have to pick a side in a conflict, and we wont. We are here to help the conflict get to its ultimate explosive and fiery potential or defuse before expensive decisions are made. Whichever is our client’s request.

3. No trolling, no griefing. This applies to legal citizens who grief and trolls who pretend to be criminals/pirates, we celebrate the difference. All deals, contracts, and information is to be given in good faith. Trolls, griefers, and tos breakers will be actively marked, hunted, and their information will be distributed to the relevant orgs, parties, authorities, and moderators. This goes for citizens and criminal orgs alike. You never quite know how much money we are already making for your superiors, friends, and allies.

4. Have fun! This is a dang video game and people forget that. Go out there, meet people, take some chances, and make friends!




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9. We shall have zero influence, management, control, or direction over any org that we work with. We maintain that the Star Citizen MMO is an ecosystem that we are building here. Every type of player from pirate to soldier to synder to trader to racer is needed and welcome here.


1. Learning and spreading knowledge creates connections.

2. Connections create opportunity.

3. Opportunity creates fun.

“Generally, InfoAgents don’t claim affiliation to guilds, syndicates or organizations. They are everybody’s best friend and their independence is a virtue that symbolizes impartiality.” Rise of the Infobroker, Roberts Space Industries, Rachel Combs, Staff Writer.

**Our Agenda:*

The ultimate final goal of White Lightning Solutions is to complete The Network. Using The Network everyone in the universe can finally communicate with each other. Whatever scenario, whatever data, whatever crazy situation or group or type of player or personality or anything you could possibly want is now within reach for every single citizen. The communication gap in this community will be closed, everyone will be brought together on an equal playing field. Communication-wise, anyway. What you do with this opportunity is up to you.

AD ASTRA AD VICTORIUM, “To victory in the stars.”