Zero Gravity Gladiators / ZG2

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Freelancing

Discord Link: https://discord.gg/mjBudMxZcq


Zero Gravity Gladiators

Our Organization started out as a couple of guys that just want to have enough people to man some of the bigger ships. I could write a long thing about our organization but instead I’m going to list somethings that we are looking for in players and if these things describe you then hopefully you’ll be a good fit.

We are looking for people of all skills type that are looking for a group to play with.
We want to grow our numbers of course but we aren’t looking to be the sweatiest alpha Organization in the game.
We are looking for players that can take the loses with the wins and not freakout.
We know people have lives so we aren’t requiring players to get a in game Uniform, ship, make donations or do anything they don’t want to.
We want to have fun and play this buggy ass game is all.
We aren’t restricting your game play. Play the game however you want, Pirate/RP/Miner/Cargo/PVP/PVE we don’t care.
We want players that are helpful.
We fight together and we die together.


Our Mission is to find some like minded people and turn this Organization into a machine that pumps out money and fun. The reason we are listed as freelance and freelance is because we can find money and fun in everything we not just being pirates and merc. Our Goal isn’t to be the biggest and best ORG with hundreds of members doing there own things and having clicks inside a mega ORG but to be a solid unit that does everything together to help everyone get better.


  • * * Only 18+

• Don’t be toxic:)

• Don’t be Gross

• Be sportsmanlike even if others aren’t (no t-bagging or hurtful comments).

• No soliciting, spam or org / discord recruiting on our platforms or PMs:)

• Feel free to invite like minded SC friends:)

  • Don’t Make us look bad