
Akari-Kr.ē Treaty

The Akari-Kr.ē Treaty is a ratified agreement between Terra (Terra III) and the Xi'an Empire (SaoXy'an) that brought about the unofficial end of the Xi'an-Human Cold War (SEY 2530 - 2793 / MXY III.838 - III.1044). It was brokered in SEY 2789 (MXY III.1040) by the Senator of Terra, Terrence Akari, and Xi'an Emperor Kr.ē. Due to the political instability of the late Messer Era (SEY 2546 - 2792), negotiations for this treaty were conducted in secret on the Tohil system on undeveloped world Tohil III. The holiday Armistice Day, created in celebration of the war's end, is held annually in the UEE on 29 May.


In the latter years of the Messer Era, the UEE and the Xi'an Empire had been on the brink of war for over two centuries, and public sentiment on both sides was strongly in favor of ending the conflict. Planetary systems that bordered the two empires were kept under constant military surveillance, draining funding that was desperately needed in other areas. Major Houses within the Xi'an Empire had lodged protests against sending their youth to face uncertain fates against a hostile enemy, and, with the threat of Vanduul attacks becoming a large concern, Humans began to doubt the Messer regime's continued use of the Xi'an as the cause of all the UEE's problems. Additionally, Linton Messer XI was an unpopular ruler. He had left his father's brutal policies in place instead of undoing them as he had promised his supporters before his SEY 2781 coup, and his habit of swift and deadly retaliation had lost him most of his allies in the Senate and the military. Conditions were ripe for the opening of a road to peace.

Senator Terrance Akari of Terra and Emperor T.uēng se Kr.ē of the Xi'an Empire first began exchanging communications in SEY 2775 (MXY III.1032). The Senator had long held an interest in Xi'an culture, and utilized his political status to pull strings and pass questions along to the Xi'an government when he came up against a cultural concept he didn't understand. To his surprise, the Emperor himself began responding to his missives. Kr.ē recognized the opportunity for what it was: a chance to cultivate a connection to the second highest echelon of Human government. As their correspondence increased over the years, they began to discuss what peace might look like between the UEE and the Xi'an Empire.

In SEY 2789 (MXY III.1040), they agreed it was time to meet in person and discuss the creation of a possible treaty. After weeks of deliberation on the subject, they chose the Tohil system as the location due to its lack of military presence and position on the border of both empires. While Emperor Kr.ē made his way there with the aid of his government, Akari had to escape the notice of his or risk being arrested and thrown into an Empire's Light Conversion Center for collaborating with an alien power. He enlisted the help of Terra's Advocacy Section Chief Nathan Warrick, who put Akari into contact with a group of smugglers that regularly transported anti-Messer activists between Bremen and Tohil through the unclaimed Nyx system. It was a risky undertaking; Akari was in constant danger of being apprehended by pro-Messer forces, and Emperor Kr.ē was inviting war with the UEE by entering into Tohil in the first place. Their mutual safe arrival on Tohil III created a buoyant mood that Akari identified as a motivating factor in their work on what would become the Akari-Kr.ē Treaty.

On 11 March, the peace accord was completed, and Emperor Kr.ē signed it on behalf of the Xi'an Empire. He departed for the Xi'an capital planet Ka'ua (Hyoton IV) soon after, where he would secure the approval of the Imperial House's Council of Three. Akari made his way to Earth (Sol III) and spread word about the treaty's existence amongst his most trusted staff members and fellow pro-peace Senators. On 29 May, while Linton Messer XI and his sister Fiona were on vacation in the Goss system, Akari triggered an emergency session of the Senate and called for an immediate vote on the treaty. Without the Imperator there to rally any opposition, the deal was narrowly approved.


1 - Non-aggression agreement: The Xi'an Empire and the UEE agreed to not threaten or use force against one another's territory or independence, and to acknowledge one another's right to self-defense if subject to armed attack.

2 - Border Security: Each side promised to respect one another's territory and to not cross their respective borders without permission.

3 - The Perry Line: The Xi'an Empire and the UEE agreed to withdraw their military forces from the Perry Line. Political refugees. The Xi'an Empire agreed that they would accept Human refugees from the UEE, and Terra agreed to provide resources to aid in their care.

4 - Status of Terra: If leadership in the UEE rejected the terms of the treaty, the peace agreement would stand between Terra and the Xi'an Empire.

5 - Duration of terms: The terms of the agreement were to remain in place indefinitely unless any terms were broken or in the event of a change in structure of the UEE or Xi'an governments.


Historians credit Linton Messer XI's refusal to ratify the Akari-Kr.ē Treaty as the moment the Messers fully lost their grip on the UEE. Although the Imperator declined to sign the accord when it arrived at his desk, the Xi'an Empire withdrew its military forces from the Perry Line as promised, demonstrating the hollowness of the Messer regime's assertion that they were the only thing standing between the people and a Xi'an invasion. This, coupled with the regime's inability to arrest Akari, who had gone into hiding, fueled public perception of Linton Messer XI as an incompetent ruler. People who had previously felt that standing against the Imperator would be too risky took the plunge and joined up, swelling the ranks of the anti-Messer movement. This influx of funding and connections would later enable the resistance group Tide to obtain footage of the Massacre of Garron II and finally end the Messer dictatorship. On 5 July SEY 2793 (III.1044.08), the Perry Line Pact was ratified and signed by the new UEE government and the Xi'an Empire, officially bringing an end to the cold war.

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