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  • PMC
  • Hardcore
  • Infiltration
  • Transport

ACID (Advanced Combat and Intelligence Division), founded on Callisto in 2954, is a premier paramilitary force delivering precise combat and intelligence solutions across the outer colonies. Guided by the motto “When the Galaxy burns, we remain” ACID offers stability where order falters


In 2954, with the outer solar system teeming with peril and opportunity, three ex-military veterans from the UEE sought a new path on Jupiter’s moon, Callisto. Frustrated by the bureaucracy and corruption of Earth’s military system, they united to form ACID (Advanced Combat and Intelligence Division) — a paramilitary corporation that would offer specialized combat and intelligence services to protect the vulnerable frontier.
Founders of ACID

Each founder brought a distinct skill set and vision, making ACID a formidable force from the outset:
-Colonel Kuil Paeleth – A brilliant strategist and space combat tactician, Colonel Paeleth had commanded numerous fleet battles in the UEE. Known for his sharp instincts and strict code of honor, he envisioned ACID as an agile force, able to adapt rapidly to any mission. Paeleth’s tactical expertise laid the foundation for ACID’s offensive and defensive operations.
-Colonel Durbgul – A towering figure with a background in special ground operations, Colonel Durbgul was a combat veteran with deep expertise in close-quarters battle and reconnaissance. He was known for his calm demeanor under pressure, as well as his loyalty to his comrades. With Durbgul’s experience, ACID developed its first elite ground force, known for its versatility and effectiveness on hostile terrain.
-Commander Yumasheta – A highly skilled operative in cyber warfare and intelligence gathering, Commander Yumasheta was a master of infiltration and covert operations. She had earned a fierce reputation for her ability to extract high-value information undetected, and her experience in both intelligence gathering and sabotage became the backbone of ACID’s intelligence division. She brought a network of former operatives and engineers into ACID, building a highly effective espionage unit.

Mission and Philosophy
Together, these three founded ACID as a hybrid paramilitary and intelligence organization, specifically tailored to operate in the chaotic outer colonies. With their motto, “When the Universe burns, we remain” they crafted an operational approach that combined lethal combat skills with extensive intelligence gathering, allowing ACID to address any challenge with both force and finesse.

ACID’s Rise to Prominence
Operating initially on Callisto, ACID quickly established a reputation for their effectiveness in protecting high-value mining operations and deterring piracy. Using Colonel Paeleth’s connections, they acquired decommissioned military-grade weaponry and surveillance technology, transforming their ragtag team into an elite unit. Colonel Durbgul’s relentless training produced a ground force that was capable of securing high-risk assets, while Commander Yumasheta created a team of cyber and field operatives who could infiltrate and gather intelligence from rival corporations and criminal factions alike.
As their reputation grew, they expanded their services beyond Callisto, conducting missions across Jupiter’s moons and even as far as other Systems. Their dual focus on combat and intelligence attracted high-paying clients, including mining corporations, independent colony governments, and powerful private interests who valued both ACID’s precision and discretion.

The ACID Protocol
Central to their operations was the “ACID Protocol,” a strict operational framework that required comprehensive intelligence gathering before any direct engagement. Commander Yumasheta’s intelligence team conducted deep reconnaissance, using cyber-infiltration, drones, and stealth tactics to assess and prepare for each mission. Once the intelligence was gathered, Colonel Paeleth’s tactical team would deploy precision strikes, minimizing collateral damage and achieving their objectives with ruthless efficiency.
A Reputation for Ruthlessness
While ACID was respected for its effectiveness, its methods were often seen as controversial. Colonel Durbgul’s ground forces had a reputation for their uncompromising tactics, while Yumasheta’s intelligence division was rumored to engage in espionage, sabotage, and even assassinations. Some saw ACID as a protector of the outer colonies, while others viewed them as a mercenary force loyal only to the highest bidder.
Despite these controversies, ACID’s expertise was unmatched. Many clients were willing to overlook ethical concerns, focusing instead on the security and stability ACID brought to the otherwise lawless frontier.

Legacy of ACID
Headquartered deep within the icy tunnels of Callisto, ACID’s reach extended across the outer colonies, solidifying their role as both protector and power broker. Their unique structure — blending elite combat capabilities with comprehensive intelligence gathering — had given them an edge over any rival faction or force.
Colonels Paeleth and Durbgul, along with Commander Yumasheta, had built more than just a paramilitary corporation; they had created a force that would shape the course of humanity’s expansion into the outer solar system, one contract at a time. In the harsh and unyielding frontier of space, ACID’s presence became a symbol of stability, precision, and power, operating from the shadows to protect their clients — for a price.


ACID Manifesto

In the unforgiving reaches of space, where law is fragile and trust is rare, we stand as the unwavering force between chaos and order, shadows and light. We are ACID (Advanced Combat and Intelligence Division), born from the resolve of soldiers who rejected corruption and embraced a new path. Our strength is our unity; our weapon is our precision. We do not seek fame or glory; we seek to restore stability to those who dare to carve their lives on the frontier.

We, ACID, present this manifesto as our declaration and our guiding principles.

1. Precision and Power
Our strength is in our dual nature: combat and intelligence, strength and subtlety. We pledge to wield both with equal mastery. Every mission, every decision, every action shall be executed with meticulous accuracy. We operate in precision, striking only where needed, always controlled, always effective.

“Strength in Shadows, Power in Precision.”

2. Duty to Stability
Humanity’s expansion has brought both opportunity and conflict, peace and disorder. Where stability falters, chaos rises. ACID exists to bring order to the outer colonies, ensuring that law, no matter how fractured, prevails over anarchy. We serve as the bulwark against those who would exploit, endanger, or destabilize the frontier. When called, we bring certainty. When challenged, we restore balance.

We are a force for stability in a volatile world.

3. Unyielding Integrity
Our honor is our bond, and our word is our contract. In a universe riddled with deceit and self-interest, we pledge unwavering integrity to our clients and to one another. We conduct every mission with honesty, professionalism, and a loyalty to our purpose. We do not betray, we do not manipulate — we commit ourselves to our duties, bound by a shared mission of security and trust.

In a world of shifting allegiances, we remain steadfast.

4. Independent and Unbound
ACID was forged to be free from bureaucratic chains, free from political manipulation, free to operate solely according to our principles and the interests of those we protect. We are not tools of Earth’s politics or pawns in corporate rivalries; we are an autonomous force dedicated to the stability of the outer colonies. Our allegiance lies only with our own mission, not with fleeting political winds.

We are beholden to no one but ourselves.

5. The ACID Protocol: Intelligence Before Force
We strike only when we are certain; we act only when we understand. The ACID Protocol guides us in every mission. Intelligence is our first weapon, gathered with rigor, patience, and care. Every move we make is calculated and precise, minimizing risks and maximizing success. Only when we have an intimate knowledge of our target, our environment, and our objective do we engage in combat.

Knowledge before action, understanding before violence.

6. Adapt and Endure
The outer colonies are as unpredictable as they are vast. ACID adapts, evolves, and endures. Whether against known enemies or unforeseen threats, we pledge to remain adaptable and resilient. Our founders built ACID to be agile and responsive, able to face any situation with creativity, resourcefulness, and strength. Our survival is in our adaptability; our success is in our resilience.

We bend without breaking, we change without compromising.

7. Respect the Shadows
Some missions demand discretion; some victories require invisibility. We embrace the shadows, respecting the value of subtlety. While we do not seek glory, we acknowledge the power of silence and the strength of secrets. As operatives in intelligence and combat, we understand that true power often lies in what is unseen, in what is left unsaid.

We respect the shadows, for they are our greatest ally.

Closing Oath
We, ACID, swear to uphold this manifesto. We are soldiers of stability, protectors of the colonies, and guardians of those who live in a fragile peace. We stand in defiance of chaos, in loyalty to one another, and in dedication to our cause.

When the galaxy burns, we remain.


Charter of the Advanced Combat and Intelligence Division (ACID)

Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name
The name of this organization shall be the Advanced Combat and Intelligence Division, hereafter referred to as “ACID.”

Section 2. Purpose
ACID is a paramilitary corporation established for the following purposes:

To provide specialized combat and intelligence services to protect the interests of clients in the outer colonies, particularly on Jupiter’s moon, Callisto.
To deter piracy and safeguard high-value mining operations and other critical assets.
To conduct covert operations, intelligence gathering, and cyber warfare, ensuring the security and stability of the frontier.
To adapt rapidly to the dynamic challenges of the outer solar system, leveraging the unique skills and experiences of its founders.
Article II: Core Values and Philosophy

Section 1. Core Values
ACID operates under the following core values:

Integrity: Adherence to a strict code of honor and ethics in all operations.
Precision: Commitment to executing missions with accuracy and minimal collateral damage.
Adaptability: Ability to respond swiftly and effectively to evolving threats and challenges.
Loyalty: Dedication to clients, comrades, and the mission at hand.
Section 2. Operational Philosophy
The operational approach of ACID combines lethal combat capabilities with comprehensive intelligence gathering. The motto of ACID is:
“When the Universe burns, we remain.”
This reflects the organization’s commitment to providing stability and security in the face of chaos.

Article III: Leadership Structure

Section 1. Founders
ACID shall be led by the three founding members:

Colonel Kuil Paeleth: Chief Strategist and Head of Tactical Operations.
Colonel Durbgul: Chief of Ground Operations and Training.
Commander Yumasheta: Chief of Intelligence and Cyber Operations.
Section 2. Leadership Roles

Chief Strategist: Responsible for overall strategy, mission planning, and tactical oversight.
Chief of Ground Operations: Oversees the training, deployment, and effectiveness of ground forces.
Chief of Intelligence: Manages intelligence gathering, cyber operations, and covert missions.
Article IV: Operational Guidelines

Section 1. ACID Protocol

All missions shall adhere to the “ACID Protocol,” which mandates comprehensive intelligence gathering prior to engagement.
Intelligence teams will conduct reconnaissance using advanced technology and stealth tactics to prepare for missions.
Tactical teams will execute missions with a focus on precision and efficiency.
Section 2. Engagement Criteria

ACID shall engage only with clients who demonstrate a clear need for protection or intelligence services.
Operations must prioritize the safety of civilians and the minimization of collateral damage.
Article V: Accountability and Ethics

Section 1. Accountability

ACID shall maintain transparency with clients regarding mission objectives and methods.
Regular assessments will be conducted to evaluate the effectiveness and ethical implications of operations.
Section 2. Ethical Standards

All personnel must adhere to ethical standards in both combat and intelligence operations.
Activities involving sabotage, espionage, or other controversial tactics shall be conducted within the framework of operational necessity and client approval.
Article VI: Amendments

Section 1. Amendments
This charter may be amended by a unanimous agreement of the founders, provided that the changes align with the core values and operational philosophy of ACID.