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Aligned Forces of Acro / ACRO

  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Infiltration
  • Scouting

The Aligned Forces of Acro is rebel organization standing for freedom and liberty against the corrupt Empire


Once proud citizens, and many of us having served in the UEE Navy, we have seen what the Empire is capable of. Putting our pasts behind us, we have committed ourselves to stopping the atrocities committed by the corrupt UEE.

People fall victim to the Empire’s strict laws and harsh punishments, often without having done anything wrong. Citizens are falsely accused of crimes, arrested, sometimes even killed on site. The Imperial officials shoot first and ask questions later.

The military continues to run rampant through the galaxy, justifying their actions by claiming what they do is “for the safety of the people”, using the fear of the Vanduul to their advantage. In some cases this may be true, but they abuse their power far too much. And we won’t stand for it.

The UEE has complete control of the media, and any attempts to speak out are quickly silenced. The ones that can’t be covered up or laughed off as a bunch of anti-UEE nut jobs are framed as criminals and arrested, with some reports even going as far as total disappearances.

That’s what happened to us. Having worked on the inside, we’ve seen what they do, and how far the corruption goes. We tried to expose it, to show people the truth, but before we knew it we had bounties on our heads and were labeled as a criminal group.
We fled to the Nyx system, having no choice but to run and leave everything behind.

In the following months, we began to investigate numerous reports of injustices committed but the UEE, trying to help people wherever we could. We started running stealth missions to gather data that would help us find out what they could be up to next.
Then one day, what was originally a scout mission quickly turned into a full scale battle when we were forced to intervene before innocent lives were lost. The Imperial forces vastly outnumbered our small fleet, but we somehow managed to break through their defenses and take out an entire Idris-class frigate.
And this showed us something, something not many believe; the Empire isn’t invincible. They can be challenged. That day proved to us that we can take on the UEE, no matter how bad our odds, and come out victorious.

Now we lead small scale strikes against Imperial targets, trying to help anyone we can. We may be less than a thorn in the Empire’s side, but we’re growing. Unfortunately for us, as far as the public is concerned we’re just another group of criminals, pirates and terrorists. We try to change this image whenever we can, but traveling can be hard with massive bounties on our heads.

We’re always looking for new recruits. We are still extremely small, mostly due to our public image and the fear most people have when it comes to taking on the UEE. But if you care about your fellow people, and want to be a part of something bigger, to make a difference, we encourage you to contact us. You can operate on your own, or dedicate your services to our fleets, squads, or the businesses that fund our organization.


Is the AFA for me?

If you have a dislike for the UEE and want to be part of something bigger, but aren’t a criminal, then yes! We will need to fill every possible job. We’re looking for anyone, from a simple trader running solo missions for the org, to a military officer in charge of launching strikes against hostile targets. Some positions may be harder to get and will take time to earn (such as military positions), and others require no previous qualifications (like a miner).

All members will get several benefits depending on what we can provide, such as free fuel, free repairs, free ammunition, as well limited access to organization armories, ships, capital ships, space stations, hangars and planetary bases depending on your clearance level. You will also be able to call for assistance whenever you’re in need or request security escorts, provided there are members available.

You will get to keep a percentage of the profit depending on various factors. You aren’t taxed on any activities done with your own ship and resources, but if for instance you use an organization owned ship or transport organization owned cargo you will of course be required to pay a fee from your profits.

If you join now you have a really good chance of getting any position you want, including leadership positions (although nothing is guaranteed). You won’t be discriminated against based off the ships you own, so someone with an Aurora is just as eligible for a position as someone with in Idris. The position you can get will be based off how much time you can dedicate to the organization, as well as your skills and knowledge in a specific area.

Note that the availability of the benefits mentioned above will vary depending on our funding and resources at that time.

Our Goals

Starting off small, our first goal is to recruit more members. We will need to get our structure together and fill the necessary leadership positions. At first we will lead small scale strikes against the Empire. As we begin to grow we will seek out alliances with other organizations that sympathize with our cause.


The highest level of leadership will be the Council. This will consist of members in charge of managing certain areas of the organization. All major actions must be approved by the council before they are able to happen. The Council may also directly organize extremely important top secret missions.

Below the council we will have leadership within each division. For instance you may be trusted with being in charge of a mining group or possibly even leading a fleet or squadron into battle. Different positions will arise as they are needed.

How to Align your Organization with the AFA

We’re always looking to form new alliances with other organizations. If you’re an organization owner, dislike the UEE, and want to be a part of something bigger, contact us and we’ll talk about forming an alliance! Any organization of any size is welcome, even if you’re brand new.
You aren’t forced to be involved any more than you want to, and the only requirement is that you aren’t a criminal organization. You’ll get access to our system as well as certain resources, and you’ll have our guaranteed assistance if you find yourself in trouble (provided we have the resources to spare). Your members are welcome to join the AFA themselves but aren’t required to, and will have a separate “Ally” status.

The Vanduul

While we don’t underestimate the threat the Vanduul pose, we are not directly at war with them. It’s unfortunate that the UEE provoked them years ago, leading to almost their entire race believing humans are their enemy. We will defend ourselves and others if threatened, but will always try to achieve peaceful results first. Keep in mind that the Banu peacefully trade with the Vanduul without issue, so while they are less intelligent than us, they aren’t all quite the mindless savages the Empire makes them out to be. The main issue is that they seem to have trouble discriminating between actual threats and all other humans, likely due to being taught by their society that all humans are evil. We will try our best to change this.

Our Vision for the Future

We aim to become a vast alliance made up of several members and organizations. It is our goal to claim our own area of space outside of the UEE, where those who have a dislike for the Empire can come and be free from the corrupt government. The organization itself (as well as authorized allies and/or partners) will manage these areas in order to keep the peace, however people will be free to do as they please as long as they aren’t harming others. No official UEE records will matter here, but any violent criminal activity (such as pirating) is prohibited and will be met with extreme force.


  • All you have to do to join is click “Join us now!” and enter in your details.

We plan to be strong and organized, but that doesn’t mean we need to be breathing down our member’s necks. Our goal is to be as open and friendly as possible, and to allow for all types of play styles. We can’t be without some rules though.

So, what are the rules?

  • Use common sense. No harassing people or being unnecessarily mean. We won’t question your intelligence by breaking this into baby steps.
  • No participating in anything we stand against. For instance, pirating innocent people and attacking non-military targets, or doing anything to help the UEE and hostile organizations.
  • Listen to the organization leadership. Simply put, if you are taking part in organization missions and events you’ll need to follow whoever is in charge.

And that is the end of our formal guidelines. To sum it up; don’t be a jerk, don’t do anything to potentially harm the AFA or our image, don’t take advantage of the organization, and listen to whoever is in command. All situations will be handled on a case-to-case basis, and nothing will equal an instant ban (you’ll always have a “trial” or a chance to explain yourself or apologize).

Note: These are just the general rules, additional rules and guidelines may apply to specific divisions, missions and positions.

How much do I have to participate?

However much you want. We will never force you to take part in any activities, missions or events. If all you want to do is hang out at our base and chat with people, feel free to do so. There are no participation requirements (except for leadership positions of course). Just keep in mind that the more you contribute to the AFA, the more benefits you get and the more positions are available to you.

What about membership fees?

We don’t require members to pay a standard fee or tax for being a part of the organization. The only time you need to give us money is when you make credits using organization resources. For example, if you’re transporting and selling AFA-owned cargo, you would give us a percent of the profit. The fee also applies to any money you make using an organization ship. It does not however affect the standard benefits such as fuel and repairs, and you are still able to take advantage of those for free.

Can I join other organizations?

This depends on a number of things. You cannot be a part of another organization with conflicting views or one of a similar structure to ours. Things like corporations, small groups and social organizations are fine, as long as we are your main organization (unless you happen to own that other organization). All of our members are trusted and respected within the AFA, so some level of loyalty and dedication is required. If we aren’t your main organization, you’re considered an ally, with less benefits than full members (exceptions being if your main organization is part of the AFA, such as AFA corporations).

Any other requirements?

We want to be as open and friendly as possible, so we try not to create any unnecessary requirements. You are not required to represent or promote the AFA, and are free to do as you please on your own time (provided it doesn’t violate any of the previously stated rules).