Welcome to the official Spectrum channel of Anulpha. Feel free to read about us.
For membership contact Feisar for information about one of our 5 divisions.
Logo’s by Wildfia and Feisar.
ANULPHA intends to create a community of players that have a focus on profit and leisure.
Our primary divisions are:
Anulpha Commerce [Aqua]
Anulpha Industrial [Yellow]
Anulpha Security [Blue]
Anulpha Infiltration [Grey]
Anulpha Racing [Red]
5 Tenets of ANULPHA
1. Members are not to engage in any piracy. Furthermore, no member can knowingly employ, protect or otherwise support any pirates.
2. Not knowingly be supporting any alien faction with hostile intent towards Humanity, its institutions, organisations and citizens.
3.We employ a policy of exclusive membership, a policy which excludes our members from holding membership in any other organisation active within the Star Citizen Universe.
4. A tolerable level of social etiquette is required, just be nice to other members and be somewhat mature.
5.All illegal activities are done with no involvement to ANULPHA. This includes smuggling and selling illegal goods, however, we maintain that piracy is forbidden in ANULPHA and all players found guilty will be immediately removed from ANULPHA (just do it on an alt)