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Arbitration Services, Inc. / ARBIT

  • Corporation
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Welcome to the main page for Arbitration Services, Inc. We are a corporation dedicated to providing private contract services between private entities. Our main specialization is in drafting, arbitrating, and enforcing contracts. Feel free to apply or to read our documentation.


Arbitration Services, Inc. was founded 2824 as “Nambock & Associates, P.C.” to serve as an intermediary which was dedicated towards the drafting of contracts between private entities in the UEE. In 2924 the company celebrated its first century by announcing the formation of two new branches within the company.

The new President announced a restructuring of the corporation to fill in the void being created by the thinly stretched resources of the UEE. Arbitration Services, Inc. (ASI) was formed and immediately purchased all stock from the old Nambock & Associates, P.C. company, which became the legal branch of ASI and was responsible for finding new clients and drafting agreements for them. ASI also announced the formation of the judicial branch, which would be responsible for arbitrating disputes and keeping track of official company records, as well as the issuing of company bounties. Finally, the enforcement branch was founded as a method of enforcing the rulings of the judicial branch, and was given the resources to hire full time bounty hunters, debt collectors, and other staff necessary for its functioning. It is also given a portion of company funds to pay independent bounty hunters who take on a company contract. The transition was a rough one, and though the board believed that the move was for the best, they soon lost confidence in their president to carry it out.

In the present day ASI finds itself in need of employees across all levels of the corporation. The company recently named a new President of the Board, who has begun new recruitment efforts after massive layoffs to make room in the budget for more competent leadership. ASI represents a new kind of entrepreneurial endeavor in the UEE, and potentially a very profitable one.



Arbitration Services, Inc. has the overall goal of contributing to our client’s bottom line by streamlining the processes necessary for businesses to successfully cooperate.

1. ASI is dedicated towards providing a fair negotiating process, clear documentation, and reliable communication when assisting clients in the creation of a contract.
2. ASI will fairly arbitrate any contract disagreements and will ensure that the contract’s stipulations are properly enforced and any money or resources is in the possession of the party which is entitled to them.

In order to meet the above goals, ASI will keep a proper amount of staff, and as a secondary goal the corporation currently is recruiting.

Our final goal is to gather the resources necessary to build and maintain a small fleet which can be used in the enforcement of contracts and to help end disputes, as well as general defensive needs.


1. Arbitration Services, Inc. will provide a transparent process for the creation and arbitration of contracts between private individuals.
2. ASI will arbitrate any complaint brought on by a client, and ensure that any decision made is through well founded reading of the provided contract and will include a statement explaining the decision.
3. ASI will guarantee the enforcement of contract terms.