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Ascenden / ASCENDEN

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“Attero Dominatus – In the shadow’s grasp, we shape the galaxy’s fate. Ascenden: where power, secrecy, and dominance converge.”

Ascenden epitomizes supremacy in the galactic expanse, harnessing centuries of wisdom and strategic brilliance. Rooted in unwavering loyalty and a commitment to excellence


The story of Ascenden begins with the legendary mercenary group known as the Ten Thousand. Originating from ancient Greece, the Ten Thousand were a band of Greek mercenaries who fought for Cyrus the Younger in his campaign to seize the Persian throne from his brother, Artaxerxes II. Despite their remarkable prowess and resilience, the campaign ultimately failed, and the Ten Thousand found themselves stranded deep in enemy territory.

The Ten Thousand embarked on an arduous and perilous retreat through hostile lands, eventually reaching the safety of the Black Sea. This journey, known as the Anabasis, became a testament to their indomitable spirit and strategic brilliance.

With their return to Greek lands, the Ten Thousand disbanded, but their legacy did not end there. Some members, disillusioned by the constant warring and political turmoil of the Greek city-states, sought a new purpose. They believed that their skills and experience could be used for a higher cause – not just for the highest bidder but for the greater good of humanity.

The Birth of the Sentinels

This core group of warriors formed the Sentinels, a clandestine organization dedicated to manipulating global events to achieve stability and prosperity. They vowed to use their expertise in strategy, combat, and espionage to influence the rise and fall of empires, protect secret knowledge, and shape the course of history from the shadows.

Centuries of Influence

During Rome’s expansion, the Sentinels began to leave their mark on the world, then known as “Custodes.” They infiltrated the Senate and military commands, subtly shaping Roman policies from behind the scenes. Their influence extended to key campaigns against Carthage, Gaul, and other adversaries, ensuring Rome’s dominance in the Mediterranean and beyond. Through strategic manipulation and covert operations, the Sentinels played a crucial role in maintaining and expanding Roman power.

The Sentinels thrived during the Middle Ages, operating as mercenaries for feudal lords, participating in Crusades, and manipulating the politics of kingdoms and city-states. They safeguarded relics and artifacts of immense power, shaping the destiny of Europe through covert operations and strategic alliances.

With the resurgence of knowledge and exploration, the Sentinels facilitated trade routes, protected explorers, and ensured the flow of wealth and knowledge between continents. They influenced the discoveries of the New World, safeguarding ancient technologies discovered in the Americas.

During both World Wars, the Sentinels played pivotal roles in espionage, arms trade, and influencing global powers. They orchestrated intelligence operations, supported resistance movements, and profited from wartime economies.

The Sentinels capitalized on advancements in space technology during the Space Race. They infiltrated space agencies, influenced space policy, and secured contracts for space exploration and defense initiatives.

The advent of advanced AI, quantum computing, and biotechnologies provided opportunities for the Sentinels to acquire cutting-edge technologies. They covertly influenced research directions, acquired patents, and controlled access to revolutionary technologies.

Transition to the Stars

As humanity expanded into the cosmos, the Sentinels saw the need to evolve. The vast expanse of space presented new opportunities and challenges. While honoring their origins during the Roman era, the organization rebranded itself as Ascenden, meaning “to rise.” Navigating the complexities of galactic politics and societal evolution, Ascenden established itself as a shadowy architect of influence. Leveraging their ancient knowledge, combat prowess, and centuries-old traditions, they ensured their syndicate’s dominance in a universe ripe with opportunities and threats.

As pivotal players in Earth’s Unification Wars, the Ascendens strategically supported factions aspiring for unity. Their covert interventions included sabotage of opposing forces, manipulation of key figures, and orchestrating strategic victories that hastened the unification process. Their influence was instrumental in laying the groundwork for a centralized Earth government.

With Earth finally unified under a single banner, the Ascendens infiltrated governmental bodies, placing their operatives in key positions to influence policy and decision-making. Through subtle coercion and calculated diplomacy, they ensured that the growing United Empire of Earth evolved in ways favorable to their long-term goals.

During the Tevarin Conflict and the subsequent Second Tevarin War, the Ascendens leveraged their expertise in military strategy and arms trade. They supplied advanced weaponry to both UEE forces and Tevarin insurgents, profiting immensely from the conflict. Their covert support prolonged hostilities, ensuring a continuous flow of contracts and bolstering their influence within the military-industrial complex.

Facing the existential threat posed by the Vanduul, the Ascendens positioned themselves as indispensable defenders of humanity. They championed increased military expenditures, directing substantial resources toward defense initiatives that they controlled. Through their monopoly on advanced technology and logistical support, they shaped UEE military doctrine while expanding their influence across galactic sectors.


From their origins as legendary warriors to architects of shadowy influence, the Ascendens have left an indelible mark on the course of human history. Their legacy as survivors of the Ten Thousand is steeped in secrecy, manipulation, and the relentless pursuit of power. In the vast expanse of the universe, they continue to operate from the shadows, shaping events and safeguarding their interests with ruthless efficiency.


In the boundless reaches of the cosmos, where the relentless forces of chaos and order perpetually clash, the Ascenden rise as a beacon of calculated power and strategic brilliance. We are not mere participants in the grand theater of the universe; we are its architects, the unseen hand guiding its destiny, the invisible force shaping its future.

Our Beliefs

We believe in the boundless potential of humanity and the imperative of a guiding force to unlock it. We reject the anarchy of unchecked conflict and the despotism of unchallenged power. Instead, we embrace the path of strategic manipulation, where every action serves a greater, meticulously planned purpose.

Our Mission

Our mission is to sculpt the destiny of civilizations, ensuring stability and prosperity through our covert influence. We are the silent sentinels, the unseen warriors, the architects of a future where humanity thrives under our vigilant watch.

Our Core Principles

Unity and Loyalty

Our strength is forged in unity. We stand as one, unwaveringly loyal to our cause and to each other. Betrayal is abhorrent; loyalty is our creed.

Strategic Dominance

We wield ancient wisdom and cutting-edge technology to maintain our supremacy. Every move is calculated, every action deliberate.

Secrecy and Subterfuge

Operating from the shadows, we uphold secrecy above all. Our true intentions remain veiled, our influence undetected.

Relentless Pursuit of Power

Power is our lifeblood. We seek to control vital resources, infiltrate influential circles, and establish ourselves as indispensable.

Adaptability and Innovation

In a perpetually evolving universe, we adapt and innovate, staying ahead of our adversaries and seizing new opportunities.

Our Vision

We envision a galaxy where the Ascenden reign as the ultimate power, guiding the course of history from the shadows. We foresee a future where our influence guarantees stability, prosperity, and the perpetual advancement of humanity.

Call to Action

Join us in our relentless pursuit of power, our quest for dominance, and our steadfast commitment to shaping the future of the galaxy. Together, we ascend, together, we become the unseen force that molds the destiny of the cosmos.



We, the members of the Ascenden Syndicate, hereby establish this charter to define our structure, roles, responsibilities, and operational guidelines. Guided by our motto, “Attero Dominatus,” meaning “Destroy Tyranny,” we seek to safeguard humanity and shape the destiny of civilizations through strategic manipulation and covert influence.

Article I – Vision and Mission


To establish Ascenden as the paramount syndicate in the galaxy, wielding influence over political, economic, and military spheres.


To manipulate galactic events from the shadows, secure strategic resources, and maintain our dominance through covert operations and alliances.

Article II – Code of Conduct

Loyalty and Unity

Members must exhibit unwavering loyalty to Ascenden and its mission. Internal disputes should be resolved through appropriate channels to maintain unity.

Secrecy and Discretion

All operations and internal affairs are to be kept strictly confidential. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information will result in severe consequences.

Competence and Professionalism

Members are expected to demonstrate the highest levels of skill, intelligence, and professionalism. Continuous improvement through training and self-development is encouraged.

Integrity and Honor

Members must act with a code of honor, avoiding unnecessary cruelty and preserving Ascenden’s reputation. Honor and respect towards fellow members are paramount.

Article III – Organizational Structure


  • Ascendant – Visionary leaders overseeing overarching goals, alliances, and long-term strategies ensuring Ascenden’s dominance and influence across the galaxy.
  • Warden – Senior commanders excelling in military strategy, resource allocation, and maintaining security.
  • Sentinel – Elite operatives conducting covert operations, intelligence gathering, and defensive actions.
  • Operative – Versatile specialists skilled in a wide array of disciplines, from combat and technology to diplomacy and trade.
  • Agent – Field operatives trained in infiltration, combat, and intelligence.
  • Initiate – Newly recruited members undergoing rigorous training and indoctrination.


  • Council of Ascendancy – Composed of enigmatic visionaries, who possess ancient wisdom and strategic foresight, guiding long-term strategies and preserving ancient knowledge and secrets.
  • High Archons – Senior officers overseeing internal operations, strategic initiatives, and resource management.
  • Harbinger – Skilled recruiters integrating exceptional operatives and specialists into Ascenden.
  • Herald – Masters of perception and influence, managing public image, propaganda, and conducting influence operations.

Article IV – Recruitment and Training


Harbingers identify and recruit individuals with exceptional skills, vetted thoroughly to ensure loyalty and competence.


Initiates undergo rigorous training in combat, espionage, survival skills, engineering, medical services, and tactical operations. They assist higher-ranked members in operational tasks, maintain security protocols, and integrate into Ascenden’s culture and organizational structure. Continuous development is emphasized for all members.

Article V – Operations

Covert Operations

Sentinels and Agents engage in clandestine activities including espionage, sabotage, undercover operations, and piracy to advance Ascenden’s interests. These missions involve reconnaissance to gather intelligence on rivals, executing sabotage to disrupt enemy operations, conducting piracy to intercept shipments, and undertaking covert infiltrations to undermine competitors. The goal is to maintain a strategic advantage through information dominance and tactical disruption.

Strategic Initiatives

High Archons and Wardens lead large-scale operations that include overseeing defensive fortifications, managing complex logistics chains, coordinating defensive measures against threats, and directing bounty hunting operations. These initiatives require meticulous planning and execution to ensure Ascenden’s influence and control over critical regions and resources while safeguarding against hostile actions.

Mining and Salvaging Operations

Ascenden specializes in the extraction and recovery of valuable resources from asteroids, derelicts, and other sources. Using advanced mining ships and salvage equipment, operatives extract minerals and recover salvageable items, processing these materials for sale or further use. The operations ensure a steady flow of income and resources, vital for maintaining the economic strength of Ascenden.

Smuggling and Trading Operations

Operatives manage and secure illicit trade routes, negotiating deals for contraband and ensuring the safe transport and sale of goods across the galaxy. These operations involve navigating through heavily patrolled sectors, evading or confronting law enforcement and pirates, and coordinating with a network of contacts to maximize profit. The activities support Ascenden’s financial goals and expand its influence in various markets.

Influence and Propaganda

Heralds craft and disseminate propaganda to shape public perception and political landscapes in favor of Ascenden. They manage the syndicate’s public image, conduct influence operations to sway opinions and decisions, and collaborate with Sentinels for intelligence gathering to tailor their messages effectively. By controlling the narrative, they ensure that Ascenden remains a formidable and respected entity.

Bounty Hunting

Operatives track, apprehend, or eliminate targets designated by Ascenden or contracted clients. Engaging in both space and ground combat, they pursue fugitives, capture high-value targets, and eliminate threats with precision. Successful missions enhance their reputation, unlocking higher-paying and more challenging assignments, securing strategic advantages for Ascenden.

Security Operations

Sentinels deploy defensive strategies to protect syndicate assets and ensure operational security. They defend important installations, neutralize threats through coordinated combat operations, and provide personal protection for key personnel. Their role is to maintain a secure environment for all of Ascenden’s operations, preventing sabotage, espionage, and direct attacks from rival factions.

Courier and Cargo Delivery

Operatives undertake missions to transport goods across the galaxy, managing logistics to ensure timely and safe deliveries. These missions range from simple cargo runs to high-risk deliveries requiring navigation through hostile territories. Couriers must be adept at avoiding or confronting pirates and other threats to complete their assignments, ensuring that critical supplies and goods reach their destinations without incident.


Contracts involve scanning and discovering new locations, surveying planets, and investigating anomalies. Explorers use advanced technology to map uncharted territories, uncovering valuable resources and scientific phenomena. Their discoveries contribute to Ascenden’s knowledge base and can lead to new opportunities for expansion and resource acquisition, reinforcing the syndicate’s strategic position.


Missions focus on solving mysteries and uncovering hidden information. Investigators delve into derelict ships, expose corporate espionage, and resolve criminal activities by piecing together clues and gathering evidence. These operations require keen observation, problem-solving skills, and sometimes combat to navigate dangerous environments and confront hostile forces. Successful investigations bolster Ascenden’s intelligence capabilities and provide actionable insights.


Contracts involve repairing ships, maintaining stations, and ensuring the operational functionality of equipment. Engineers and technicians work on infrastructure upkeep, perform routine maintenance, and address technical issues to keep everything running smoothly. These activities are crucial for the uninterrupted operation of Ascenden’s various ventures, ensuring that all systems and vessels are in peak condition.

Priority Missions

High-stakes contracts that require immediate attention and often involve critical objectives. Operatives respond to distress signals, undertake urgent diplomatic missions, and complete time-sensitive tasks that can significantly impact larger events in the game. These missions demand quick decision-making, exceptional skill, and the ability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances, often leading to significant rewards and strategic advantages for Ascenden.

Article VI – Resources and Finances

Resource Management

Ascendants oversee the allocation of resources, ensuring strategic reserves for operations and maintaining operational readiness. Activities include directing diplomatic negotiations, planning for expansion, and preserving ancient knowledge.

Financial Operations

High Archons manage financial assets, including investments, trade operations, and covert funding channels. Activities include manipulating markets, negotiating deals for resources, conducting research into new technologies, and managing financial logistics for Ascenden’s operations.

Article VII – Amendments to the Charter

Proposed amendments to the charter must be reviewed and approved by the High Council.
Amendments require a two-thirds majority vote within the High Council for adoption.


Ascenden’s strength lies in unity, secrecy, and the relentless pursuit of dominance. By adhering to this charter, we ensure our legacy endures, our power remains unchallenged, and our influence shapes the galaxy’s future.