“Death Dodges the Brave” – The Motto of the O.S.S
The Office of Strategic Services is a paragon in the field of Intelligence Work, whether it is as simple as Surveying or as complicated as HVT acquisitions, we have a service to offer you!
Information [Redacted]
Enlightened from gravity we are not bound to anything but a strong sense of honor,
We are not Pirates
-If we have attacked you it is because you have shown hostility or have tried to blockade run in our operational area
We are Contractors
-We may be under contract by someone who doesn’t like you, if this seems unfair then you may want to speak with the person.
We are Professional
-If situational viable, all Officers are trained to take quarter of surrendering persons, “If you show hostility, you are dead!”
If you wish to hire our Services, this may be arranged by contacting the following Gentleman of good repute;
at: Star Citizen Spectrum