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Roberts Space Industries ®

Azrael Security Group / AZRAEL

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Azrael Security Group: Your shield in a galaxy of threats


2950: The Genesis of Azrael Security Group

- Grim Hex Incident:
Amidst the chaos and gunfire that engulfed Grim Hex, shadowy figures moved with purpose and precision. Their actions, though subtle, were instrumental in tipping the scales of the conflict. Whispers of Azrael Security Group’s involvement lingered in the aftermath, their presence shrouded in an air of mystery.

2952: A Testament to Strategic Brilliance and Unwavering Discipline

Azrael Security Group’s operatives, their identities concealed beneath helmets and cloaks, became ubiquitous throughout the Stanton system. Their strategic brilliance and unwavering discipline were instrumental in thwarting countless threats, their presence a silent guardian amidst the galaxy’s turmoil.

- Xi’an Incursion:
When a fleet of Xi’an warships threatened the stability of the Stanton system, Azrael Security Group’s operatives emerged from the shadows, their actions decisive and impactful. Their intelligence and tactical expertise proved invaluable, enabling the UEE military to repel the Xi’an invasion.

- Vanduul Swarm Attack:
As the Vanduul swarm descended upon the Stanton system, Azrael Security Group’s operatives stood as a bulwark against the relentless onslaught. Their covert operations, shrouded in secrecy, played a crucial role in minimizing casualties and safeguarding innocent lives.

2954: A Force to be Reckoned With

Azrael Security Group’s reputation as a bastion of unwavering protection spread far and wide. Emblematic of their covert prowess, their operatives became a whispered legend among those who sought refuge under the firm’s protection. Their presence, though unseen, was a constant reassurance amidst the galaxy’s dangers.

- The Idris Pirate Raid:
A notorious pirate kingpin, commanding a formidable Idris frigate, unleashed a daring raid on a heavily guarded cargo freighter. Azrael Security Group’s operatives, alerted to the impending attack, deployed their expertise in space combat and boarding maneuvers. In a thrilling display of tactical prowess, they neutralized the pirate threat, securing the valuable cargo and restoring order to the trade route.

- The Terraforming Sabotage:
A clandestine group, seeking to disrupt a critical terraforming project on a remote planet, infiltrated the heavily fortified facility. Azrael Security Group’s operatives, their identities concealed and their movements swift, infiltrated the facility, neutralizing the saboteurs and safeguarding the integrity of the terraforming project.


Here at Azrael Security Group, We are dedicated to keeping our clients safe and their enemies dead.

Azrael Security Group: A Bastion of Protection in the Tumultuous Galaxy

In the vast and treacherous expanse of the galaxy, where peril lurks around every corner, Azrael Security Group emerges as an unwavering sentinel, safeguarding the interests of individuals, corporations, and governments alike. Powered by an unshakeable commitment to professionalism, integrity, and adaptability, Azrael Security Group stands as a beacon of hope amidst the ever-present threats that permeate the cosmos.

With Unwavering Dedication

Azrael Security Group meticulously safeguards its clients’ interests and assets, ensuring their continued prosperity and success. In a galaxy teeming with chaos and uncertainty, Azrael Security Group serves as an anchor of stability, upholding the law and maintaining order, fostering an environment where tranquility can prevail.

Discretion and Confidentiality

The Group’s unwavering commitment to discretion and confidentiality ensures that its clients’ secrets remain safeguarded, shielded from the prying eyes of those who seek to exploit vulnerabilities. With Azrael Security Group as their trusted guardian, clients can rest assured that their sensitive information remains secure, protected from the perils of the galaxy.

Justice and Righteousness

Fueled by an unwavering sense of justice and a deep-seated desire to protect the innocent, Azrael Security Group stands as a bastion of righteousness in a galaxy often marred by moral ambiguity. Their unwavering dedication to providing the best possible service to their clients, surpassing even the most stringent expectations, sets them apart as a paragon of excellence.

Unyielding Ambition

Driven by an unyielding ambition to establish themselves as the premier security provider in the galaxy, Azrael Security Group relentlessly pursues excellence, constantly refining their strategies and tactics to remain ahead of the ever-evolving threats that threaten the stability of the cosmos.

Balancing Security and Freedom

In a galaxy where the delicate balance between security and freedom is often precarious, Azrael Security Group navigates this intricate dance with unwavering finesse. While safeguarding their clients’ interests and assets with unwavering resolve, they do so with the utmost respect for the rights and freedoms of others, ensuring that their actions do not infringe upon the liberties that are fundamental to the fabric of the galaxy.

Ever Vigilant and Adaptable

As the ever-shifting landscape of the galaxy presents new challenges and unforeseen threats, Azrael Security Group remains ever vigilant, constantly scanning the horizon for potential perils. With unwavering adaptability and resourcefulness, they seamlessly adapt their strategies, ensuring that they remain a steadfast bulwark against the forces that seek to disrupt the delicate balance of the cosmos.

A Radiant Beacon of Hope

Under the watchful eye of Azrael Security Group, tranquility and prosperity can flourish within the vast expanse of the galaxy. Their unwavering commitment to excellence, integrity, and adaptability serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating a path towards a safer, more harmonious future for all.

Join us and let’s create a safer, more secure galaxy together.


Azrael Security Group Code of Conduct


Azrael Security Group (ASG) is an elite organization dedicated to providing unwavering protection and upholding the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct. The following Code of Conduct outlines the fundamental principles and guidelines that govern the actions of all ASG members.

Simple rules
1. Have fun
2. Use common sense
3. Don’t be a dick and don’t be too soft

Article I: Core Values

1. Professionalism: ASG members shall conduct themselves with the utmost professionalism, demonstrating expertise, competence, and a commitment to excellence in all endeavors.

2. Integrity: ASG members shall uphold the highest ethical standards, acting with honesty, fairness, and transparency. They shall be guided by a strong moral compass and place the interests of ASG and its clients above personal gain.

3. Respect: ASG members shall treat all individuals with respect, regardless of their background, beliefs, or affiliations. They shall value human life and dignity, and their actions shall never cause harm to innocent individuals.

4. Adaptability: ASG members shall possess the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and challenges. They shall be resourceful, innovative, and willing to embrace new approaches to ensure the success of ASG and its clients.

5. Loyalty: ASG members shall be loyal to the organization and its core values. They shall act with integrity and dedication, upholding the reputation of ASG as a trusted and reliable security provider.

Article II: Operational Conduct

1. Legal Compliance: ASG members shall adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in the performance of their duties. They shall not engage in any unlawful activities that could bring disrepute to ASG or jeopardize its clients’ interests.

2. Confidentiality: ASG members shall maintain the confidentiality of all sensitive information entrusted to them. They shall not disclose confidential information to unauthorized individuals or use it for personal gain.

3. Use of Force: ASG members shall utilize force with unwavering determination and decisive action to neutralize threats and protect clients’ interests. They shall exercise proportionality in the use of force, employing the most effective and expeditious methods to achieve the desired outcome.

4. Client Relations: ASG members shall maintain respectful and professional relationships with ASG’s clients. They shall prioritize the clients’ needs and interests, providing them with the highest quality of security services.

5. Teamwork and Collaboration: ASG members shall work collaboratively with their colleagues, fostering a supportive and cohesive team environment. They shall share knowledge, expertise, and resources to achieve common goals.

6. Accountability: ASG members shall be accountable for their actions and decisions. They shall take ownership of their mistakes and strive to learn from their experiences.

7. Discipline: ASG members shall adhere to ASG’s policies and procedures, including those governing discipline. They shall maintain a high standard of personal and professional conduct, both on and off duty.

Article III: Disciplinary Procedures

1. Misconduct: Any ASG member found to have engaged in misconduct, including violations of this Code of Conduct, may be subject to disciplinary action. Misconduct may include, but is not limited to, dishonesty, negligence, unprofessional behavior, or violations of ASG’s policies and procedures.

2. Investigation and Adjudication: Allegations of misconduct will be promptly investigated by ASG’s management team. If an ASG member is found to have committed misconduct, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken, ranging from counseling and training to dismissal.

3. Appeal Process: ASG members have the right to appeal disciplinary decisions through a fair and impartial process. The appeal process will allow members to review the evidence and present their case before a designated panel.


The Azrael Security Group Code of Conduct serves as a foundation for ethical conduct and professional excellence. By adhering to its principles and guidelines, ASG members can ensure that their actions reflect the organization’s commitment to integrity, respect, and unwavering protection. Together, ASG members will uphold the organization’s reputation as a trusted guardian in a galaxy that demands unwavering security.