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BackStrafe Boyz / BACKSTRAFE

  • Faith
  • Hardcore
  • Role play
  • Exploration
  • Smuggling

BackStrafeBoyz: Masters of Evasion, Champions of Stealth – Embrace the Path of Least Resistance.
When the going gets tough, we get going… the other way!

Strategize, evade, succeed – because smart moves beat brute force every time.

BackStrafes back, alright!

Join the BackStrafeBoyz


History of BackStrafeBoyz: Masters of Evasion in the Star Citizen Universe

Welcome to the illustrious (and occasionally hilarious) history of the BackStrafeBoyz! Born in the bustling spaceports and shady cantinas of the Stanton system, our tale is one of cunning, quick reflexes, and a staunch commitment to avoiding unnecessary conflict. Gather ‘round, citizens, as we recount our journey from humble beginnings to legends of the ‘verse.

The Great Escape of 2945
Our story begins in the year 2945, when a ragtag group of pilots, traders, and smugglers found themselves trapped in a sticky situation on Grim HEX. Outnumbered and outgunned by a pirate syndicate, they discovered the art of backstrafing—a brilliant maneuver that let them dodge enemy fire while making a stylish retreat. This first great escape cemented their friendship and the birth of the BackStrafeBoyz.

From Zero-G Bar Fights to Tactical Retreats
The following years saw the BackStrafeBoyz refining their techniques. From narrowly escaping Zero-G bar fights on ArcCorp to outsmarting bounty hunters in the asteroid fields of Yela, the Boyz became renowned for their ability to turn tail without losing face. Our motto, “When the going gets tough, we get going… the other way!” became a rallying cry for those who prefer wit over brute force.

Evading the UEE and Winning Hearts
Even the UEE Navy has tried (and hilariously failed) to pin down the BackStrafeBoyz. During a high-stakes cargo run in Crusader, our fearless leader managed to outmaneuver an entire squadron of Avenger Stalkers, leaving them bewildered and us in stitches. Our charm and audacity won over many a spacefarer, and our ranks swelled with those eager to master the art of evasion.

BackStrafes Back, Alright!
Today, the BackStrafeBoyz stand as the undisputed champions of stealth and strategy in the Star Citizen universe. We continue to embrace the path of least resistance, proving that smart moves beat brute force every time. Whether it’s slipping through a blockade or pulling off a daring heist, we do it with flair and finesse.

So, if you’ve got a knack for quick thinking, a love for adventure, and a healthy respect for staying in one piece, join the BackStrafeBoyz. Together, we’ll outsmart the competition and make a name for ourselves in the ‘verse.

Remember, citizens: BackStrafes back, alright!


BackStrafeBoyz Manifesto: The Art of Tactical Retreat

Welcome, fellow spacefarers, to the BackStrafeBoyz—a brotherhood dedicated to mastering the art of evasion, outsmarting our foes, and thriving in the Star Citizen universe. As we navigate the stars, we hold these principles close to our hearts. This manifesto defines who we are and what we stand for.

### 1. Evasion is an Art, Not a Coward’s Choice
We believe in the power of strategy over brute force. When faced with overwhelming odds, we choose to backstrafe—a calculated retreat that preserves our resources and lives for the battles that truly matter.

### 2. Wit and Wisdom Over Warfare
Combat is not always the answer. We prioritize cunning, quick thinking, and clever maneuvers to achieve our goals. A well-executed evasion is often more impactful than a head-on confrontation.

### 3. Unity in Retreat
We are a band of brothers (and sisters) united by our commitment to smart tactics. Our strength lies in our ability to work together, anticipate each other’s moves, and execute flawless retreats that leave our enemies baffled and us unscathed.

### 4. Adapt and Overcome
In the ever-changing landscape of the ‘verse, adaptability is key. We remain flexible, ready to alter our plans and strategies at a moment’s notice. This ensures our survival and success, no matter the circumstances.

### 5. Respect the ‘Verse and Its Denizens
While we may evade direct conflict, we do so with respect for the vast and varied inhabitants of the Star Citizen universe. We uphold the laws of space (mostly) and treat our fellow citizens with the respect and camaraderie they deserve.

### 6. Embrace the Path of Least Resistance
Our philosophy is simple: work smarter, not harder. We seek out the path of least resistance, turning potential defeats into strategic victories. This mindset allows us to conserve our strength and strike decisively when the time is right.

### 7. Celebrate Our Escapes
Every successful evasion is a cause for celebration. We share stories, laugh at our near-misses, and learn from our experiences. This camaraderie strengthens our bonds and prepares us for the adventures ahead.

### 8. BackStrafes Back, Alright!
Our rallying cry is more than just a slogan—it’s a testament to our enduring spirit. No matter how tough the situation, we find a way to backstrafe and live to tell the tale. Our resilience and ingenuity are what set us apart.

### Join the BackStrafeBoyz
If you value intelligence over intimidation, if you can think on your feet and move like the wind, if you believe that the best offense is a good defense, then the BackStrafeBoyz are your calling. Together, we’ll navigate the stars, outsmart our adversaries, and etch our names into the lore of the Star Citizen universe.

Remember, in the BackStrafeBoyz, we don’t just survive—we thrive. BackStrafes back, alright!


BackStrafeBoyz Charter: Guiding Principles of Tactical Brilliance

We, the members of the BackStrafeBoyz, hereby establish this charter to codify our principles, uphold our values, and guide our actions in the pursuit of tactical brilliance and strategic supremacy in the Star Citizen universe.

Article I: Purpose
1. The purpose of the BackStrafeBoyz is to cultivate a community of like-minded individuals dedicated to mastering the art of evasion, outsmarting adversaries, and thriving in the ever-changing landscape of the ‘verse.
2. We strive to foster camaraderie, promote skill development, and create opportunities for adventure and exploration among our members.

Article II: Membership
1. Membership in the BackStrafeBoyz is open to all who share our commitment to wit, wisdom, and strategic thinking.
2. Prospective members must demonstrate proficiency in the art of evasion and a willingness to abide by the principles outlined in this charter.
3. All members are equal and shall be treated with respect and dignity, regardless of rank or experience.

Article III: Leadership
1. The BackStrafeBoyz shall be led by a council of experienced members elected by the general membership.
2. Leaders shall uphold the values of the organization, act in the best interests of its members, and promote a culture of inclusivity and cooperation.
3. Leadership positions shall be held for a term of one standard year, after which new elections shall be held.

Article IV: Code of Conduct
1. Members of the BackStrafeBoyz shall conduct themselves with honor, integrity, and sportsmanship at all times.
2. We shall respect the laws of the ‘verse, honor agreements made with other organizations, and treat all citizens with fairness and courtesy.
3. Harassment, discrimination, and other forms of misconduct shall not be tolerated within our ranks.

Article V: Activities and Operations
1. The BackStrafeBoyz shall engage in a variety of activities, including but not limited to: exploration, trading, smuggling, and occasional combat operations.
2. All activities shall be conducted with a focus on strategic planning, tactical execution, and risk mitigation.
3. Members are encouraged to collaborate, share knowledge, and support one another in pursuit of our collective goals.

Article VI: Amendments
1. This charter may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of the general membership.
2. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing and circulated among the membership at least one standard month prior to the vote.
3. Amendments shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the membership.

Article VII: Dissolution
1. In the event that the BackStrafeBoyz is dissolved, all assets and resources shall be distributed among the remaining members in accordance with their contributions and needs.
2. The decision to dissolve the organization shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the general membership.

In adherence to these principles and guidelines, we, the BackStrafeBoyz, pledge to uphold the values of wit, wisdom, and strategic brilliance in all our endeavors. Together, we shall navigate the stars, outsmart our adversaries, and leave our mark on the annals of Star Citizen history.

[Authorized Signatures of Council Members]