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Roberts Space Industries ®

Blackthornes / BLKTHORNES

  • Organization
  • Casual
  • Freelancing
  • Exploration

Honor, Courage, Victory…



The Blackthornes’ roots go back to 2001 and Dark Age of Camelot. As a whole we are a group of older players, many of us are former military but we count many professions in our ranks. We have no time for people who can’t maintain a polite, professional attitude both in game and in dealings with our extended family here.

We play to have fun and we are VERY competitive, but we do not maintain anything resembling mandatory play times or the like. When you log in to play, expect to have fun, but also expect to be part of a team focused on winning while doing so.

We currently run a 512 person Teamspeak 3 server and we are actively recruiting for Star Citizen as well as MechWarrior Online, Planetside 2, and Guild Wars 2. You can find our Teamspeak servers in the forums once your application has been accepted. If this seems like the place for you then we would love to have you in our ranks. We would welcome the chance to get to know you better, and for you to get to know us better, on a trial basis.


The Blackthornes are a Freelance organization with a strong leaning toward exploration, trade and mining. We are motivated in finding artifacts, rare minerals, worm holes, transporting goods…even illegal ones if the price is right! Information of rare finds will be sold to the highest bidder. Affiliates will have preferential treatment to this information at a huge discount.



Welcome to the Blackthornes.

We take our gaming seriously and casually at the same time. We are competitive, love to have fun and we promote excellence in our ranks by working to better ourselves and our members.

We expect our members to be respectful to others both inside and outside our organization. Let the other guy talk trash and let your excellence speak for itself.

We hope you will join us on the exciting journey into Star Citizen and what the future holds for us!