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Space Bokke / BOKKE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Role play
  • Trading
  • Freelancing

Space Bokke … trekking even further … there’s gold in those Asteroids, maybe even the long lost Kruger-rands (rumour has it that Aliens abducted oom Paul) .. ons trek weer, die keer ruimte toe


In the 1970’s, while NASA were visiting the Earth’s moon, an elite division of the South African Air Force had already terra-formed and colonised two planets far beyond the Solar system. Spacebokke are traders / explorers / freelancers whose ancestors were habitants of the colonies.


This is your life. Do what you want and do it often.
If you don’t like something, change it.
If you don’t like your job, quit.
If you don’t have enough time, stop watching TV.
If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.
Stop over-analysing, life is simple.
All emotions are beautiful.
When you eat, appreciate every last bite.
Life is simple.
Open your heart, mind and arms to new things and people, we are united in our differences.
Ask the next person you see what their passion is and share your inspiring dream with them.
Travel often; getting lost will help you find yourself.
Some opportunities only come once, seize them.
Life is about the people you meet and the things you create with them, so go out and start creating.
Life is short, live your dream and wear your passion.


Name: The name of this organization is Space Bokke

Statement of Purpose: The purpose of this organization is to MAKE FINANCIAL PROFIT by the following methods:
A. Buying product at growth centres around the Universe and Selling at it the remotest areas of the Universe
B. Exploring uncharted areas of the Universe and grabbing all rare materials before anyone else even knew they were there
C. Transporting goods to dangerous areas where others dare not go
D. Resort to freelance assassination missions when other business is not available (but only when our fleet count overwhelms the opposition)

A. The name of the entry level member rank is Spacebok
B. Any existing Executive member has authority to enlist new members and expel any member below the role of Executive
C. Anyone who can pilot a VX-T2 can be a member of Space Bokke (in extreme cases if choice must be made, preference is given to South AfriCANs)
D. Members who act like idiots and generally make game play uncomfortable for others will be expelled

The organization has 6 ranks (lowest to highest): Spacebok, Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Colonel and Honorary Elder
Promotion is earned by game play. Play often and with other Spacebokke to earn possible promotion.
Members with the rank of Honorary Elder meet to determine member rank promotions.