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Blue Suns / BS5

  • PMC
  • Regular
  • Exclusive
  • Security
  • Bounty Hunting
    Bounty Hunting

Blood for Money!
Money for Blood!


The Blue Suns were founded by Zaeed Massani and Vido Santiago in 2160 CE. Zaeed led the men while Vido did the administrative duties. Disagreement between the two over the inclusion of Xi’an on their ranks led to a power struggle by 2165 CE, resulting in Vido taking sole control and Zaeed’s near-lethal expulsion from the group.

After betraying Zaeed, Vido hired as many Xi’an as he wanted, even naming Solem Dal’Serah his head of operations while relegating himself to the position of “Co-Executive Officer”. This act was little more than a PR stunt: it was calculated as a sign of cooperation to placate his Xi’an benefactors and to draw away fire from potential assassination attempts.

It worked on both counts and the partnership lasts to the present day. Solem is known to the general public as the Blue Suns founder and leader while only a handful of trusted mercs even know who Vido is, let alone his old partner Zaeed.

Over the years the Suns grew into a fearsome combat force spanning dozens of systems.


The Blue Suns are a mercenary outfit, operating in the Stanton System and expanding operations into Pyro sometime in 2954. We have a reputation for being both discreet and ruthlessly efficient, and as such charge a sizable fee.

We provide security and hunt bounties.

Contact us if you spot a the one and only Commander Shepard.


The Blue Suns primarily operate fighters and small crew gunships to achieve their goals. A main gunship works as the center of each deployment with a squadron of fighters to support it. Additionally each deployment is backed by a logistics corps selling everything from heavy weapons to golden medmons and maze. Despite claims that Blue Suns sells its captives as slaves, no Blue Suns employee has ever been convicted on such charges.

Many Blue Suns members sport the company logo in tattoo form, removed during assignments and reapplied at mission-end.