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Greasy Machines / BTENTRPRSE

  • Corporation
  • Casual
  • Transport
  • Resources

Conquering space, one asteroid at a time.


Our history may be brief, but that doesn’t mean we lack experience. We’re the type of people that tend to gravitate towards the monotony of gathering, the excitement of exploration, and the unknowns that come standard in our field of work. We know danger lurks around every asteroid, or on the far side of an alien moon, but that doesn’t deter us from doing what we love. Our means of survival is far from easy or safe. We don’t have the luxury of powerful weaponry, or sophisticated defenses. We do what we do because others wouldn’t stand a chance in our position. And while others are sitting pretty on the bridge of their ships, we’ll be getting our hands dirty with the dust of space. B&T may not have much of a history, but together we can give it a future.


The intentions of B&T Enterprises are simple: Discover what the Universe has to offer and make an honest living in the process.



  1. Use common sense. Be smart when interacting with your fellow coworkers. Keep things civil.
  2. Use proper channels to reconcile any disagreements or otherwise.
  3. Have fun!