Supply or Die

Choose your allegiance and help shape the future of a system in turmoil through daring supply runs and missions across Pyro’s reaches – play now for limited-time faction rewards!!


Bayou Raiders / BYU

  • Syndicate
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Piracy
  • Smuggling

Were you born on the bayou or is it just a place that lives in your heart? For centuries organized crime families and croup politics have been a way of life along the Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf South. Now that we’ve taken to the stars it’s time we expand the business!


Bayou Raiders history comes from the rich Louisiana and Mississippi Gulf Coast where cities like from Mobile, Biloxi and New Orleans were havens for notorious pirates, organized crime families and corrupt politicians. Rather it was smuggling spice and illegal goods or running underground gambling dens that served liquor during the days of prohibition, this was the way of life and a family run business. Greasing the wheels of government or making a display of force was just business as usual. We are gentleman type of scum whose methods may be questionable but our word is our bond and people who break it are subject to a street level justice till karma is paid.

Bayou Raiders will endeavor to engage in all forms of piracy for profit. But particularly in drug manufacturing and fence stolen items, meaning we be quite notorious and looking to escape the law by executing our deeds cleanly or by casting doubt, leaving question and lack of evidence or witnesses to tie us to the crimes, . With that we will need and do business with people working both sides of the law and in grey areas.

Rather you are looking for an org to call home or just want to make a contact for doing business, we accept all types of org affiliations and will do business with all.

Smugglers, you will be able to find high value contraband items to sell with BIG profit margins.

Pirates, can buy and sell surplus goods and slightly used weapons without restriction of your reputation in lawful space.

Bounty Hunters and Mercenaries, we employ the best to take charge of security, take part in raids, create diversions, send strong messages to rivals and any manner of situation where force or intimidation can be used.

Applying to Bayou Raiders?
I am flattered that you would consider making Bayou Raiders your home. I like to think of each member as family. The mindset here is… I don’t want to be in the biggest org… I want to be in the best org!

Here are some things that we are looking for…

People who are dedicated to the game. How much time you have is not important but if you sign up for an event please be there. Be an important part of our team! Participate in discussion. We want everyone’s voice to be heard.

People that you can call on for help when needed and dedicated to protecting each other.

Mature attitudes. You prefer to play smart, develop strategy and willing to work together to execute a plan.

No Trolls! I am all for friendly PVP but will not be part of any farming or harassing of other players.

Bayou Raiders is actively looking for both ship captains and crew. We have plenty of opportunity for people looking to work aboard BIG ships and welcome any ship captains who would join our cause!

Find us here!

Looking to work for an Org that is squeaky clean and lawful in the eyes of the UEE but has loose ties to us for trade? Please take a look at Serenity Logistics .

Catch us on Discord.


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