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Roberts Space Industries ®


  • Organization
  • Regular
  • Role play
  • Freelancing
  • Social

Welcome CatDragon Pilot!

Apply at 18+ only!


Cat Dragon is a fresh new guild formed from old members of a highly successful guild in ArcheAge and Albion Online. Our core membership personnel are good friends who strive to make an impact in the games we play. We strive to be a dominating force in Star Ctizen. As with any successful guild, member participation is critical.




Cat Dragon seeks quality members, not quantity. Our core membership consists of members that are adult, mature, veteran gamers. That being said, there is a certain level of dedication we seek from our members. Our members are passionate gamers who seek the company of likewise individuals. We intend to foster an environment where members are excited to log in and get in on the action. And along the way, forge meaningful friendships.

Here are some of the rules we expect from our members:

1. We recruit the PERSON, not the TOON. We would rather have a dedicated passionate gamer in our guild rather than a toon that meets a certain set of requirements.

2. You are not permitted to relay any confidential information outside the guild, for any reason, at any time. Information such as our whereabouts in PVP zones, what our guild objectives are, etc. If you are a spy we will sniff you out.

3. Participate in Guild Events. This cannot be stressed enough; Albion Online is a guild oriented game. If we call an event, you are expected to attend. While we understand real life commitments may occasionally come up that prevent you from attending, we expect a certain level of attendance to be successful. If you are a solo gamer, this guild is not for you.

4. Personal attacks against anyone, either internally or externally, is strictly forbidden. If you have an issue with another member in the guild, address it with an officer privately. If you are personally attacking/griefing external players and we find out about it, you will not have a place here.

5. If you scam and/or cheat in the game in any way, you will be removed from the guild. We value integrity here.

6. Exercise tact in guild chat when using profanity, sexual references, etc. Blatant disrespect or offensive intent will be grounds for removal from the guild.

7. If you behave in a manner deemed disrespectful/unacceptable to members or anyone for that matter, you will be removed from the guild.

Simply put, don’t be a douchelord. Be an active, friendly contributor and you will do well here!