We are a player friendly group dedicated to explore the solar system and complete various kind of missions, salvaging while riding our Vultures or deep into the action trying to help justice. We are mainly PvE and we use force in PvP only if for defense or to defend. Let’s explore together!
We were funded as a get together group to complete missions, help others or simply explore together for the pure fun of it.
We are here to explore, help who is in need, complete various kinds of missions and fight injustice.
We prefer peace over violence in PvP, but will answer if attacked.
If you want to be a pirate, be a Robin Hood and you most likely won’t have issues.
Let’s have fun together now! Enough words.
Do not:
- Steal from other players.
- Kill other players without provocation or for unjust reasons.
- Scam other players in any form.
- Do not attack other players first, unless under direct and clear threat.
- Have fun and be friendly.
- Destroy any pirate without thinking twice =) peace.
- Obliterate those criminal campers shooting other players for no reason.
- Nuke em.
- Again.
- Ok, now back to peace.
- Bring friends to see the lovely explosion and listen to the nice pirate screams.